

A project log for 2.5-3D thing

a tiny-but-scalable three-ish axis-system *from* laser-cuts

eric-hertzEric Hertz 07/23/2015 at 14:571 Comment

This one's a stretch...

It certainly clears up the 3rd-axis clearance-issue, but:

* may be quite a bit more difficult to run the cables/pulleys

* might not be stable-enough for merely two casters on the 'bed', should I use four?

(otoh, now that I think about it, part of the niceness-discovered with the pulley/lego system was that the cables, when positioned and tensioned well, actually add to overall stability quite-nicely)

* appears to use quite a bit more material for the same travel-distances...

* more difficult to add support left-to-right... may need longer bed-casters...

* can't add front-to-back support in the front

* kinda bulky/ugly...


* lots of vertical clearance for potential 3D-stuff....

* easier to make the Y/Z carriages larger, to mount larger things (dremmel-tool?)

* The Z-axis should be *quite a bit* stronger

* (maybe the Y, as well?)

* The Z-axis carriage and associated cable-tensions might actually add some stability

things to think about...


Eric Hertz wrote 07/23/2015 at 15:09 point

Guess I'd be a fool not to use my new endeavors with the PIC32 to drive this system!

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