
War Ships Game

Take the battle to the sea

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Have you ever dreamed of being a captain in full control of naval war machines? Then War ships game is the perfect game for you. This epic naval battles game is full of explosive and its ultimate goal is to destroy all enemy ships by guessing where they are located on the grid map.

Have you ever dreamed of being a captain in full control of naval war machines? Then War ships game is the perfect game for you. This epic naval battles game is full of explosive and its ultimate goal is to destroy all enemy ships by guessing where they are located on the grid map.



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  • 1

    Connect the 2 gen4-HMI display like the diagram below

  • 2
    • Download the project code here.
    • Open the projects using Workshop 4. This project uses the Visi Environment.
    • You can modify the properties of each widgets and buttons.

    Do the following Steps for both displays.

  • 3
    Compile and Load
    • Click on the “Compile” button. Note: This step could be skipped. However, compiling is essential for debugging purposes.
    • Connect the display to the PC. Make sure that you are connected to the right port. Red Button indicates that the device is not connected, Blue Button indicates that the device is connected to the right port.
    • Go back to “Home” tab. This time, click on the “Comp’nLoad” button.                                             
    •  Workshop 4 IDE will prompt you to select a drive to copy the image files to a uSD Card. After selecting the correct drive, click OK.

View all 4 instructions

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manishc1981 wrote 04/06/2024 at 16:06 point

Hailey's Treasure offers multiplayer options where players can collaborate, communicate, and work together to solve puzzles and achieve common goals. This fosters teamwork, communication skills, and the ability to work effectively in a group setting

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