
275 Results for "3D%20printing"

  • 6+ IDEs to debug the $2 STM32 BluePill

  • 2018 UpdateST gets AtollicYes, "almost 2018", update. Interesting to see as noted @Hamish with the link he posted, STMicro acquiring Atollic IDE that was classified in this review as the most efficient. That makes sense. VSCode rules overWhere...
  • Sigmoid function

  • I recently rediscovered the sigmoid function. It is incredibly useful in many areas of programming, but most recently has seen intense use in the neural network and machine learning software development communities. It takes any number as input, and...
  • Open Hardware Summit: video recording of talks

  • The annual Open Hardware Summit took place on September 27th at MIT, and all the exciting and insightful presentation were live streamed to YouTube! The live stream is broken into morning session and afternoon session. Morning...
  • Elecrow PCB Review (2020)

  • PCB design art is something I have been experimenting with. Recently, I used Elecrow PCB who offers yellow soldermask with black silkscreen without additional cost. Introduction There are many cheap prototype PCBs manufacturing services online. They...
  • EBP Controller

  • As descibed before, I care about trains and train control systems. So, I like making tools, devices and all kind off stuff that's allied to this 'world'. My first project that I publish is a Belgian station railway clock. This clock is a 90% 3D printed...

  • One day I was browsing a website with models for 3D printing and saw a picture of an AtomPunk-style rocket there. At that moment, an image of a rocket lamp made of bare PCBs and LED-lit acrylic instantly popped into my head. The first design was ready...
  • A raspberry pi based lego retro arcade

  • Hi, everyone. This is my first Hackaday project. A Raspberry pi based Lego arcade! This is what you will need.  A raspberry pi 2 3 or 4   a display like this very small HDMI  cableprint...
  • Dynamometer for Eco-Marathons

  • Eco-marathons are engineering competitions where students build vehicles to travel as efficiently as possible. To engineer an efficient electrical drivetrain, test equipment is necessary to test and improve the drivetrain in a lab setting. Bristol Racing...
  • Generative design + Laser printing example

  • I was using Fusion360 to create a spatial structure with generative design to support internal parts of the device.The idea was to pack everything as neat as possible and looked like this: All the parts (but casing) were supposed to be 3d printed, in...
  • How Metaverse will Change the Future?

  • Can The Metaverse Influence the Technological Future?  The tech industry's main goal today is to structure digital elements in a way that simulates real-world experiences, resulting in the creation of cyberspaces - popularly known as the Metaverse...
  • INMO AIR 2 powered by WTM2101 chip,release your hands

  • Rising AR Industry Trends with Broadened Technological Horizons According to the 2022 Global VR/AR Annual Industry Development Report released by the Gyroscope Research Institute, the shipment of AR glasses in 2022 reached 452,000 units, marking a growth...
  • HOT Single Board Computer in The Market

  • Speaking of single-board computer, we are not familiar with, what raspberry pi, banana pi, BeagleBone Black and so are all the classic open-source hardware board. Recently I got a handsome name more exaggerated open source hardware board - Graperain,...