
245 Results for "3D printing"


  • Since their invention at the entry of the century and following their patenting by the Austrian Paul Eisler in the year 1946, the printed circuit boards have evolved drastically. The evolution has gone beyond their original intention and functionality....
  • Chicago Northside Mini Maker Faire this Saturday, May 5th

  • We are proud to be a sponsor of Chicago Northside Mini Maker Faire 2018 this Saturday, May 5th, at Carl Schurz High School: Chicago Northside Mini Maker Faire the first and largest officially licensed Maker Faire in the Chicagoland area. We are a local,...
  • Large Electronically Controlled Bass Flute

  • Play with the large electronically controlled bass flute In the picture you can see a flute with a telescopic tube. The outer tube extends the overall length of the tube using a motor controlled by a microcomputer, so that differentiated pitches can...
  • Stephen Hawes Index PnP build

  • Who I am and what I do Hey Folks. My name is David Witulla (aka. Gruftgrabbler). I am a student from TU Darmstadt, Germany. Studying "Information- and System Technologie" (aka. Embedded Systems). I just got an amazing offer to build the...
  • How to Choose a Right Extruder Motor?

  • When choosing a stepper motor for a 3D printer extruder, there are several factors to consider: Torque: The stepper motor needs to be able to provide enough torque to drive the extruder. The torque required depends on the filament diameter, the nozzle...
  • Everything looks like a (plastic) nail ..

  • To a man with a hammer (3d printer) ... everything looks like a (plastic) nail … OK.  Whew.  Turns out that 3D printing is addictive.   Who would have thought?   It’s been about a month now since I got my (first, only) Prusa...
  • 6D Mouse DIY Link List

  • See the officale page I am maintening right now: linkThe professional product tear down: link or link or link  And here are all know DIY projects (only full 6D in this list) Project NameAuthorlinkPictureDetection / ElectronicsMechanicsOS3M Mousecolton.baldridgelinkinductance...
  • Ancient digital clock revived, and a project box

  • Among the old projects in my junk box was a digital clock I made in the late 70s, using the National Semiconductor MM5371, a one chip clock. Back in the day I used an iron core transformer to supply power. I decided to replace this with a wall wart supply...
  • Lighting Controller v4 Part 3

  • < Part Two  [Part Three] Following the previous part I've decided I need a case.I've done a bit of 3D design before in Blender and a few others.But I'd prefer to use OpenSCAD, because it turns the job from a design task to a programming task, which...