
150 Results for "%E3%80%8A%E3%80%88 %EB%AC%B8%EC%9D%98 OIO%E2%86%975793%E2%86%977458 %E3%80%8B%E3%80%89 %EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9%E3%89%BB %E3%80%8A%E3%80%88 %EB%AC%B8%EC%9D%98 OIO%E2%86%975793%E2%86%977458 %E3%80%8B%E3%80%89 %E3%89%BAsteal%E3%85%AF%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9%D1%84temperature %EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%ED%9B%84%EA%B8%B0%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9 %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%E3%85%A3%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%EC%B6%94%EC%B2%9C%CF%88encouragement%E3%85%94"

  • Exhibition Position

  • Huaxing Intelligent Control UWBLOC positioning system adopts self-developed wireless pulse ranging technology to achieve precise positioning of exhibition hall personnel and exhibits. The positioning accuracy is better than 30 cm. By setting the base...
  • The Shape of the Electron

  •,%E2%80%9Cexist%20as%20standing%20waves%E2%80%9D.I have been in this silly business for 50 years and this is the most cogent explanation I have seen for the nature of the...
  • Build error : What's wrong? : Help me!

  • root@UbuntuServer:/home/ymatsui/RPi_Pico_WAV_Player/build# llTotal 292drwxr-xr-x  9 root root   4096 11/6 01:34 ./drwxr-xr-x  9 root root   4096 11/5 18:49 ../-rw-r--r--  1 root root  20615 11/6 01:34 CMakeCache.txtdrwxr-xr-x ...
  • Apeman Action Camera goes IR (Part 2: A80)

  • A80 Teardown The newer A80 with QHD at 30 fps and 4K24p capabiltiy (20MP still frames) has a lens shroud that is tucked under the front cover (left), which needs careful persuasion for its clips to release without breaking. The short sides appeared to...
  • What is a Linear Motor?

  • Principles of Linear Stepper Motor A linear motor is a transmission device that can directly convert electrical energy into linear motion mechanical energy without any intermediate conversion mechanism. It can be regarded as a rotating electrical...
  • Capacitor Safety

  • This article shows the basics of capacitor safety. 1. My Story When I was a teenager we used to Soviet mains powered have film projector. This project had a small AC motor, that was used to roll the film. It had a capacitor or varistor connected in parallel...
  • UWB+GPS Converged Equipment

  • Product features: support Beidou differential positioning and UWB positioning, automatic switching between indoor and outdoor high-precision positioning, positioning accuracy up to 2 cm outdoors, up to 10 cm indoor positioning accuracy, IP67 protection...
  • Super Bowl 2021 national anthem

  • CYCLONE V-Powered String Synthesis

  • CYCLONE V-Powered String Synthesis The group made use of the Kaplus-Strong string synthesis approach to create a triad of four-stringed tools to be played by the Cyclone V FPGA. A C program working on the growth board's ARM 9 HPS acts as a song...
  • About Paul Trowe

  • An accomplished business development and project management professional with more than 30 years of experience in the video game industry, Paul Trowe currently serves as the Entertainment Editor of VR Today Magazine as well as an angel investor in crypto...
  • Sym-1 plus EPROM

  • One of the popular chip formats in the 70's and 80's were the ubiquitous EPROMs (Electrically Programmable Read Only Memories). They had very good memory density at the time and were accessible technology for hackers and OEMs alike. They had the advantage...
  • Breadboarded 80-LED Analogue Oscilloscope

  • A very old project. By using a single VU meter IC (LM3915?) and aanother IC that sequentially connects the columns of LEDs to ground (i.e.the time scale), the VU meter effectively "sweeps" across the waveform ina quick succession.
  • Apple][+ Videx Videoterm Card (80 Columns) Emulation

  • // Videx Videoterm Card Emulator // by Augusto Baffa feb 2024 // // Based on Apple II Simulator // by Peter Koch, May 6, 1993 int videx_slot = 3; bool card_videx = true; bool card_videx_mem_on = false; bool card_videx_80col = false; class VidexCard...