
138 Results for ""

  • [T] Test Driven Development for DIY Projects

  • I started reading and got to the subheading "Requirement 2: For an empty string the method will return 0" yesterday.  I like their example,...
  • Cypress FX2LP High-Speed USB Controller

  • @Yin Zhong designed this dev board for Cypress FX2LP microcontroller:μ-68013: a High Speed USB2.0 MCU breakoutCypress’s FX2LP (CY7C6801x) is one of the smallest footprint MCUs that offer a high-speed USB (480 Mbit/s) device peripheral with built-in...
  • Observations on Level-5 Touch NFC Reader

  • First of all, this is a Bluetooth Low Energy device, detected as "L5_TOUCH_RW".Using NRF Connect app, you can see which service it offers; It has 5.Generic Access (contains Device Name, Appearance, Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameter)Unknown Service...
  • Touch Garden Light

  • This article shows you how to make a touch garden light shown in the photo below: I used a encasement from an old solar garden light. The light turns on when the two contacts from the circuit are connected by human hands or human fingers. You can see...
  • Ideas to #PICTIL

  • I did really like the idea of #PICTIL. So I did some research on this and on this page I will just summarize ideas. (mostly because all this in a comment would be to much I think). First the idea of using the PIC16F527 which @Yann Guidon / YGDES suggested....
  • Giant nixie panel from USSR

  • Once in Internet I found photos of giant soviet panel named IGG1 (ИГГ1). It was looking stunning! This panel made in two versions:IGG1–32x32 with 32x32 dots resolutionIGG1–64x64 with 64x64 dots resolution Some technical data:Brighntness: 150–300 kd\m2;Minimal...
  • KiCad teardop plugin and flexible PCBs

  • Thanks to @Anool Mahidharia for  posting on Hackaday about KiCad plugins.  I decided to try out the Teardrop plugin by NilujePerchut:KiCad Teardrop Plugin This action plugin adds and deletes teardrops to a PCB.This implementation...
  • The damages of "Intellectual Property"

  • Hi @Drew Fustini  :) Here is something to integrate in your next slides about Free/Open Hardware designs : From Apple Reunites With iPhone Graphics Chip Partner To License Technology ( Apple will once again license technology from Imagination...
  • 10 PCB Service Company From China

  • Lots of our customers want us to recommend a good PCB service company for them from China. It’s not hard for us to recommend 10 or 20. PCB companies contain PCB prototype service, PCB Assembly service, PCB Manufacturing service and more. I will recommend...

  • Background At present, there are two types of lcd 3D printer on the market: FDM (Fused Deposition Manufacturing) and Light Curing 3D Printing. Among them, the FDM technology is more mature, the price is lower, and the market share is higher. You...
  • PoE, dV/dt and ESD

  • Why I don't like USB in the lab When lab setups don't fall into disuse and get scrapped, they are usually passed down through generations of PhD students - and there doesn't always seem to be an incentive to spend time to improve a working setup. ......
  • A Visit To W6TRW

  • During a visit to the ham swap meet at Northrop Grumman in Redondo Beach. It's always on the last Saturday of the month, and until now I haven't been in LA on the last Saturday of the month. Because I went to Sparklecon last week, I was also able...
  • A quick foray into the CH552 MCU

  • The CH552 is a very cheap (~$1) enhanced 8051 core MCU by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics, It's been on the market for a while and there are breakout board projects based on it, for example #CH552 Dragon , #CHUSBIE552 - CH552 Development board , #CH55xG...
  • Netgear ReadyNAS RN3138

  • Table of Contents 1. Hardware2. The serial console 1 Hardware The Netgear ReadyNAS 3138 is a 1U rack-mounted NAS server with 4 3.5'' SATA drive slots. I have recently purchased such a device in order to use it as a small home fileserver and decided to...
  • Quadcopter Rassberry Pi 2 Autopilot

  • RPI2 configuration.1.0 Image InstallationInstall PREEMPT_RT image into RPI2. Press HERE to open emlid download section. Use program such as Image Writer to install image to MicroSd card.Connect RPI2 using SSH. ( e.g putty, Bitvise Tunnelier or any ssh...