
26 Results for "esp8266"

  • ESP8266 Touch Sensor

  • Hey guys, today I am going to discuss about some of the most useful IC, Development Boards and Sensor. One from each of them are AMS1117 3.3V regulator IC, ESP8266 Board (full complete with adapter) and Touch Sensor. So, let’s talk about each of them,...
  • MicroUSB powered ESP8266 OLED Board

  • Mike Rankin created this board with a tiny OLED display controlled by an ESP8266:MicroUSB powered ESP8266 OLED BoarI created this design as a challenge to make a design under 1″ x 1″ in size.The hardware is an ESP-01 ESP8266 Wifi module, linear power...

  • It is known that the cooling machine is widely used in the industry. In this paper, I will show you how to use STONE HMI LCD as the display to combine the temperature sensor with Arduino esp8266 cooler application; the communication between the...
  • Color OLED board with ESP8266 WiFi

  • Mike Rankin created this adorably small WiFi-connected color OLED board:ESP8266 Color OLEDI’ve been keeping an eye on the SSD1331 library to see if it would eventually work with the ESP8266 wifi modules. I noticed the support for it appeared one day...
  • PWNed the PWNer

  • So recently I thought about if it would be possible to have an ESP8266 module troll a "basic settings" deauther by @Stefan Kremser - turns out it is :) I'm a bit proud over here.   Code is here:
  • Teensy WiFi Weather Logger

  • Teensy-based weather badge that logs humidity and temperature to via WiFi:Teensy WiFi Weather LoggerBill of MaterialsTeensy 3.2, OSH Park EditionESP-01 (ESP8266 SoC)Adafruit I2C OLED (128×32)Adafruit I2C BME280 (temp/hum/press)10K Ohm...
  • ESP01 2 only pin and we get GUI + Remote

  • Yes, i have create a simple way to enable GUI on Nokia LCD (1202 or 1661) + IR Remote on ESP8266, that only use 2 Pin (any pin that can be Input and Output).Nokia 1202 and 1661 i have tested, and its use 9bit SPI, thats why we dont need extra 1pin to...
  • ESP32 Basics and Working

  • Similar to Arduino, ESP32 is a development board. Therefore, it offers all the capabilities required to construct your projects. You should be aware of who designed this board to comprehend it fully. You also need to know its primary purposes, how the...
  • IoT in your existing Switchboard

  • GOOGLE ASSISTANT AND ESP8266 BASED SMART APPLIANCE CONTROL GOOGLE Assistant To Control your Lights & Fan Home automation has become very common now days and people are using IoT to automate everything in their home. Today, I...
  • Introduction to ESP32

  • For those new to the microprocessors and integrated systems world, Arduino is a terrific place to kick off. Having your personal collection of a large number of inexpensive detectors and modules, you may create a variety of tasks, both for fun and for...
  • ESP8285 Dev Board

  • Kris Winer writes on about his new design:ESP8285 Development BoardThis is a small development board for the ESP8285 (ESP8266 plus 1 Mbyte embedded SPI flash memory) which includes an FTDIFT230X USB-to-serial converter so Arduino programs can...
  • Adventures with an ESP32-CAM

  • I wanted to play with a ESP32-CAM cheap wifi camera for quite some time and I finally picked one up.  My first quest was to find firmware that I could put on it that had support for RTSP. I came across this: ....