
267 Results for "arduino"

  • Pi Circle to Teensy Audio Shield and Quad Audio device

  • I added the AudioControlSGTL5000 object to my port of the Teensy Audio Library available at   This is, of course, just part of my ongoing rPi bare metal vGuitar Rig project, but I felt like...
  • Android SDK on iBeacon

  • Possible usage cases and also business models for the sign that makes it possible for location-dependent individual communication even inside structures are presently being fiercely debated. In-store advertising as well as discounts, mobile settlements,...
  • About Me

  • Yassin Ali, 15 years old, student at Al-Qawmiya Al-Arabiya Official Preparatory School for Boys, in the third year of middle school, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt. Interested in the field of programming and the field and skills of scientific research...
  • How does logic work? Flip-flops

  • Nowadays, electronic DIY projects with microcontrollers, especially Arduino, are very popular. The microcontroller makes it easy to create many interesting and useful things. I am even more interested in assembling different devices with simple logic...
  • SPI-Flash Test

  • I bought the 8 Mbit flash P25Q80H-SSH-IT at for $0.10 if you buy 10. First I tried it with this circuit on a breadboard: The numbers are the pin numbers on a Arduino Nano, which runs with 5 V, so I used the resistor dividers for scaling...
  • Bitbanging a protocol that has no hardware support

  • Everybody loves a video so here's one to start with before we get to the boring fascinating details. There are many protocols out there for communicating between computers, and other computers or peripherals. A subset of these are common enough to be...
  • Multifunctional dynamic bicycle light

  • Part one. Basic functionality If you drive a car, it's very likely that you've come across an uncomfortable situation involving a cyclist at least once or twice in your life. Bikes can be quite unpredictable on the road and you often have to guess what...
  • A Life in the Day of MorningStar

  • I've led an incredible life, one too incredible to keep telling, so I'm putting it all here in brief. Buried among the rest of my stuff it will tell my story until I'm ready to write my book. One day I will, but until then. Born Jan 1967, same year as...