
8 Results for "esp8266"


  • It is known that the cooling machine is widely used in the industry. In this paper, I will show you how to use STONE HMI LCD as the display to combine the temperature sensor with Arduino esp8266 cooler application; the communication between the...
  • [CWM2] Done (for now)

  • A few landing prints and components have been replaced depending on what is more readily available at the moment. Also more indication lights have been added to put all of the remaining IOs of the ESP8266 to good use.The only thing making me nervous...
  • [CWM2] It's getting somewhere

  • Lots of packages were swapped. Connectors rotated, moved, rotated, then put back.Fun stuff, for now.Seen on the right lies the almost finished mains management, as indicated by the milling for bumping up the creepage distance.This area consists of two...
  • Introduction to ESP32

  • For those new to the microprocessors and integrated systems world, Arduino is a terrific place to kick off. Having your personal collection of a large number of inexpensive detectors and modules, you may create a variety of tasks, both for fun and for...
  • ESP8285 Dev Board

  • Kris Winer writes on about his new design:ESP8285 Development BoardThis is a small development board for the ESP8285 (ESP8266 plus 1 Mbyte embedded SPI flash memory) which includes an FTDIFT230X USB-to-serial converter so Arduino programs can...
  • Color Luminance detection using TMG39931 I2C module

  • TMG39931 I2C module plays a significant role in various application especially in detecting the color luminance. With the help of node-red services, we will be able to test the sensor data serially with ESP32.In this blogtut, we will interface...
  • Fail Fail Fail Succeed

  • One morning a few days ago I decided what my workshop lacked was a clock, so thinking this would be a straightforward one day build I set to Work... I had all the parts I needed, a couple of double digit 7 segment displays, 4 PNP transistors to drive...
  • Arduino-programmable ARM Cortex M4F Boards

  • @Kris Winer of Pesky Products designed these easy-to-program, high-performance and low-power dev boards:Arduino-programmable Cortex M4F Development BoardsProgram an STM32L4 Cortex M4F with the Arduino IDE via USBTechnical specifications of the Butterfly...