
42 Results for "%E2%86%98 %EC%B5%9C%EC%A0%80%EA%B0%80 %C3%921%C3%92%E3%80%88%E2%91%BB%E2%91%B789%E3%80%8983%C3%92%E2%91%A5 %E2%86%97 %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8C%E3%8E%B0 %EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8Cfearful%EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8C%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8C%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%88%A0%EC%A7%91%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4constructed %EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8C%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9%E3%83%9A%E3%82%B4%EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8Cwealthy"

  • The 0.70 € STM8 Board

  • The 0.70 € BoardSo you ordered your super cheap stm8 dev board from aliexpress oder eBay and now you want to do at least a blinking LED, then this Mini Tutorial is exactly for youHardwareThe STM8S103F3 dev boardJust in case you do not have your...
  • 6+ IDEs to debug the $2 STM32 BluePill

  • 2018 UpdateST gets AtollicYes, "almost 2018", update. Interesting to see as noted @Hamish with the link he posted, STMicro acquiring Atollic IDE that was classified in this review as the most efficient. That makes sense. VSCode rules overWhere...
  • HAM stuff

  • How Belgian legislation discourages HAM-radio After passing the practical exam in your local HAM-section, the theoretical part of the exam only takes places at the BIPT offices in BrusselsYou require an operating certificate, which allows you to use...
  • 7.) The brakes

  • Off topic music advice click here. Brake levers, front- and rear brakes originate also from the DONATOR mentioned above. MAFAC "RACER" brakes from DONATOR cycle*Used brake levers from DONATOR cycleThe brakes are very nice french MAFAC central-pull brakes,...
  • Serik Burkitbayev

  • Serik Burkitbayev is a Kazakhstan native born in 1957 who went on to study laser physics at the Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute. It was here that Serik Burkitbayev earned his master’s and Ph. D. degrees. Dr. Bukitbayev went on to publish more...
  • A lazy person avoided installing the AVR-gcc toolchain

  • (Updated for Arduino 2 IDE.) As all my friends know, my mugshot is used to illustrate the word lazy in dictionaries. 😉 Anyway I found this AVR MCU in my junkspares box and wanted to test it out. I quickly ascertained that I should install the...