
94 Results for "arduino"

  • Limesdr without host processor

  • i am working in an organization where i am doing my tasks on limesdr my recent task is to ma make limsdr independent from host processor. Limesdr is configured using limesuit GUI but when disconnect limesdr from host processor all configuration gone...
  • SPI flash chip recommendations please

  • Trying to make a SAMD21 based board, compatible with arduino and circuit python. The latter really needs a flash chip and many of the cypress (spansion) ones in existing boards are not recommended for new designs. Others, especially many winbond ones,...
  • OSRAM 2DIMLT2 CONTROLLLED BY something smart

  • hello I  have a street lamp In our company but I would like to control the lamp with something smart  insinde lamp is OSRAM 50/120-277/800 2DIMLT2  LED POWER SUPPLY  is there a way how to connect this to the arduino or something....
  • 100V PWM Help needed

  • Hello guys, I am kind of looking for help. I am in the middle of building DIY Mini CNC, and I have that generic 500W spindle from aliexpress and it came with power supply. It is a ~100V ~6A PWM power supply with a pot to adjust duty cycle. ...
  • Getting started with STM32F3 DISCOVERY

  • I got this board free from a giveaway like 2 years ago (Thanks HaD for publicizing!) and finally decided on a use for it: a "push-to" telescope computer. Attach to your existing scope, set the time and location, look up a space object, and it'll use...
  • starting point

  • Heyhey, first of all I am really new to all of this. started studying industrial design one year ago but somehow can't help it to really get interested into all this technology and hacking stuff. but apart from a few product design projects, some basic...
  • Best of AliExpress

  • I think almost all ahckers here use AliExpress, so can we have a PROJECT here on hackaday or this stack page where we can list some of the better AliExpress stores... TESTED Stores, with at least diamond ratings preferred Crowns. (Feedback Ratings...
  • Google Sketchup into Adobe Illustrator - HELP!

  • My #Pi/Arduino Prototyping workstation project has hit a snag, and I'm hoping someone can help.The workstation is all designed, and is ready to be lasercut - problem is, it is designed as a 3D model in Google Sketchup but to get it cut need it to...
  • All day wearable

  • I'm trying to create a device that can work all day long and I'm trying to figure out what the best "computer" for the job.  It needs to be able to run a bit of threaded code (preferably Java), have at least 3 input and 1 output pins, and run all...
  • SAMD21 logger/sensor board giveaway

  • From Mike Rankin's blog:’d like to give away one SAMD21 logger/sensor board to someone, wherever in the world you are.Why:I’m a hardware guy, not a programmer. I’ve had fun designing this...
  • Grove Experiences, anyone?

  • Have any of you dabbled with using the Grove modules within your projects?In order to finish my #Aquariumatic prototype I'm sorely tempted to grab an Arduino grove shield (or a grove i2c hub) and use that to add my relays and sensors to...
  • Magic LEDs

  • I've posted a video that shows how to program an Arduino to “Magically” switch an LED on and off by shining a keychain light at it.  The video describes how the technique works for one LED as well as for a set of 8 LEDs, each of which...
  • How to get data from wires

  • This is a weird question, and I don't really even have the prerequisite knowledge to ask it properly, but basically, I would like to mess with my car's (E30) OBC (On Board Computer). I found a PDF (
  • Question about Stepper Motors

  • I'm building a tabletop claw machine game with some middle schoolers.  It's arduino-based and using gantry parts and nema 17 steppers from an Ender 3.  We're stuck with a question about the weight of the claw, we want to also use a nema 17...