
8219 Results for "3D%20printing"

  • Enclosure hell

  • Before going on with the electronics, I'd like to write a bit about the most painful and stressful part of building a product: the enclosure. ---------- more ---------- It all started when we pitched the idea to a friend who's a product designer and...
  • Using the UC3525 pulse width modulator

  • For my project I'm building a high voltage ultrasonic power supply (400V, 28kHz) based on the UC3525 pulse width modulation chip.There's very little information on the net that explains how to use these chips, so for this week's update I thought I'd...
  • Mechanical design

  • As of writing this log, the build is finally completed, which allows me to talk about the design decisions concerning the mechanical side of this project, since I now have the photographs to illustrate them. In this post I will only talk about what connects...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dan Maloney12:00 PMOK folks, time to get the ball rolling. Welcome to the Hack Chat, I'm your moderator Dan, along with Dusan. Today we're pleased to welcome Agustin Cruz to talk about what he's been up to with metal 3D printing, I think I saw him log...
  • Transparent Acrylic Inlays

  • Ponoko Laser Cutting Service: Front Panel Tests.3mm clear acrylic skull inlays in black (painted) acrylic, with two 2mm red LED eyes. The red LEDs are not connected yet, but look like tiny jewel domes in the light. There are some more pictures below.The...
  • Return of the SEPIC

  • A long time ago (man, almost 1.5 years ago) I tried my hand at a SEPIC, with mixed results. While the topology indeed works as a MPPT, the two inductors required by the topology made the cost quickly go out of budget (switching at 31kHz). So, I canned...
  • Navigation Chassis v0.3

  • With the previous version of the chassis in a working state, I only made two changes for version 0.3. The first change was a major one. As I mentioned previously, I was still a little unhappy with the ground clearance on the last version of the chassis....
  • ... and we're off

  • I'm on the hunt to build a cartesian pnp. I'm not looking to try and build the cheapest machine out there, but I am out to build a highly reliable and accurate machine for the least cost possible.I've been through countless 3D printers, CNC machines,...
  • Preparing the 1/2 Scale Rocket

  • The Rocket team is going to have a busy three weeks ahead of us; right now we're all doing our best to get our 1/2 scale ready to launch as soon as possible. This weekend a few members of the team and I are going to a night launch sponsored by ROCC,...
  • Mk1 Munching engine and some thoughts

  • I have been beavering away at the munching engine since my last update.I have worked up the concept of using pinch belts mentioned previously and prototyped it with some success.Explanation of the concept:The idea is pretty simple. Two grippy silicone...