
10619 Results for ""

  • September 20, 2015

  • This blog post is going to be a bit scattered. At this moment, I have a lot of projects at the 80% or a little more done, but nothing complete finished. I have been putting off any sort of update because I've been waiting to at least finish one or two...
  • 2014-06-20

  • BasWheel v1.27: Added parameters hex_screw_spacer, hex_screw_OD, hex_screw_ID, hex_screwhole_depth, hub_magnet_count, hub_magnet_margin, hub_magnet_diameter and hub_magnet_height
  • [T] Inbuilt A4 Document Scanner

  • Since I'm unbound by the generic requirements of "the masses" and have complete idea freedom until "the rubber hits the road", as they say, I was wondering about any additional features I could install into Leti. The requirement was that:it had to actually...
  • New AC port and heater port

  • Creating a heater port out of plastic pots: The MycoBox will often be filed with a thick mist to raise the relative humidity, however I don't want that mist soaking into the heater. To take steps to avoid that I made an L shaped port for the heater,...
  • AC Phase Controlled Humidifier: Part 1

  • Humidifier Test: 100% RHControlling Fan Speed:To control the humidity, the humidifier fan throttles up or down to reduce or increase the amount of humidity released into the chamber.  The Fan speed is controlled by a single channel AC phase control...