
108 Results for "esp8266"

  • Simple, Scrolling, RTC Clock

  • Simple, Scrolling, RTC clock The other night I was puttering around, looking in my box of goodies to see what I brought to play with. I usually grab a few items and then see what inspires me along the way. Tonight it is two 8x8 led matrices, i2c, ok...
  • Rastello Club

  • At the beginningAs a juggler, I first used commercial programmable glowing club. But I encountered some limits : no multi platform, no radio communication, no flexibility, no 9-Axis, but above all no possible communication with developers to improve...
  • Smart Solar Lamp

  • How it works?Since I started this project I have made dozens of experiments with a variety of sensors, charging and switching methods, types of batteries, solar panels, inductors, mosfets etc... And the device had usb capabilities from the beginning...
  • TshWatch, watch based on esp32

  • Story Project have started 2 years ago, as attempt to create a smartwatch with pedometer, hr sensor and skin temperature sensor. I wanted to collect big data about my activity and sync this data to my server when I can process it. That's why MCU chip...
  • DIY - YouTube Desktop Notifier

  • Step 1: Hardware Requirement - 1 For this project, we need a mixture of both electronic components and woodworking tools. The electronic components include:A PerfboardNodeMCU220v AC to 5v DC Buck Step-Down ModuleA Buzzer Shield or a Buzzer and a 100Ω...
  • DIY Watch with WiFi and Audio

  • The most suitable application for a round display is a programmable watch. Using the GFX Library for Arduino ( , we can easily configure and start using the round LCD, printing text and image on the display...
  • Smart Home Solution

  • MQTT topic and message description : Kit have two Capsense button. I used that as two switches. Capsense 1 --> Topic : cap1 --> Message : TURNON/TURNOFF Capsense 2 --> Topic : cap2 --> Message : TURNON/TURNOFF Flow Chart:  . Our module code is designed...