
1018 Results for "esp8266"

  • Menesto

  • Menopause, also known as the climacteric, is the time in most women's lives when menstrual periods stop permanently, and they are no longer able to bear children. Menopause typically occurs between 49 and 52 years of age. Medical professionals often...
  • Choose your own adventure bot

  • Top 3 struggles I have with robots and how this project solved them. 1) Cost too much. Mostly because of expensive servos and high end processors. -  Designed a cheap driver/sensor board to read the absolute angle of the motor joint and run the...
  • Cuadrúpedo arácnido

  • Justificación: Se tenía la opción de realizar un robot hexápodo o un cuadrúpedo. Nos decidimos en trabajar con un robot cuadrúpedo para poder reducir costos en cuanto a la compra de sevomotores y uso de material, ya que...
  • Rotating LED Display

  • 1. Description of the device The Rotating Display device comprises two primary units: a power supply unit and a display board (figure 1). Both are circular in design, with a diameter of 120mm, similar to the dimensions of a standard Compact Disk. The...
  • Diy Otto Robot

  • If you have hard-time 3d printing stuff and other materials which i have provided in this project please refer the professionals for the help, JLCPCB is one of the best company from shenzhen china they provide, PCB manufacturing, PCBA and 3D printing...
  • Drone AWuAV 3015E

  • AWuAV 3015E the Revolutionary Open Source drone! Get in touch with us  What make are AWuAV 3015E different & better  then the “Latest & Greatest” drones offerings today … is that AWuAV 3015E Is revolutionary and is Almost all...