
917 Results for "3D printing"

  • Thicken

  • Our sculpted form has no thickness so we’ll have to change this if we want to 3D print our ghost.  Go to Create - Thicken, select the ghost and give it a thickness of 0.8mm. This will work great if you plan to 3D print your ghost with a printer...
  • 3D LED Christmas Tree

  • Capacitors Solder in the electrolytic capacitors. These are definitely polarized. There is usually a "-" marking along one side of the can and also the longer lead is positive while the shorter lead is negative. Be certain that the positive and negative...
  • Start Printing!

  • Get your prints started! If you don't have a 3D printer, you can always take advantage of awesome services like 3dhubs and fictiv. Download your stl files here! You'll need 5 holders, 5 covers, 1 base plate, 1 "scale 100", 1 "scale 75", and 5 "scale...
  • Step 3 - Save as DXF

  • Right click on the new sketch you created and select Save as DXF.  You can now import the dxf file into whatever software you use to send the part to be laser cut or CNC'd.  In my case, I opened the file in Adobe Illustrator and printed to...
  • Prepare the PTFE bowden tubing

  • It is necessary to cut some kerfs, corresponding to the teeth on the extruder body. I made a 3D model for a gage to make the cutting easy. With FDM printing the hole for the tubing inside the extruder body will not be perfectly round. If you put the...
  • Skills Required:

  • This project may seem difficult or very complex, but it is definitely not completely, since you will have all the guidance for the construction, it was difficult for me to design it to make life a little easier for you. Any conceptual doubt, you are...
  • After Soldering

  • After you are done soldering all the components (excluding the switch), it should look something like the images that I have attached above. Try to keep the length of the wires cut-to-fit so that there is no problem in fitting everything later on. I...
  • Print, Print, Print

  • Lots of things to print. It took me about 24 hours in total of printing. Unbelievable, are 3D printers going to get faster or do I just have a slow one? All STL files are in the github link:
  • Print and prepare the case

  • To prepare the build, begin with 3d-printing the case.This case (*.stl-file) is part of the driver-pack of the screen/esp32 combi from Dustin Watts' github repro. Just...
  • Designing the button cap

  • An important part of the quiz experience is smashing the buzzer button when you figure out the answer. Typical 10mm diameter buttons weren't going to cut it because they're too small for the satisfaction. Sizeable arcade buttons weren't available cheap...