
331 Results for ""

  • Sensor Interfacing

  • We will see how to interface the 3 given sensors to an Arduino UNO or Arduino compatible board. So, let us start with the first sensor that is the CCS811 Sensor. 1.1 CCS-811 Gas Sensor Arduino Interfacing The CCS811 is an I2C sensor hence the interfacing...
  • Leg Module

  • In one week, for less than $500., we can have a four leg module. To make the module stand and walk, power and control need to be provided and that will add about $100. more in cost (Arduino, battery, switches, voltmeter, wire, connectors). As shown in...
  • Methodology

  • At the beginning of this project, the project was outlined in a structure that involved two phases (each complete with a series of smaller tasks). Phase 1 involved a full overhaul of the Power Wheels vehicle so that it could support the weight of an...
  • Checking to start

  • First check the you have necessary materials to make the project. You need some 3D printed parts, so a printer is necessary or at least the posibility of print. We print with protopasta carbon fiber filament but you can print in PLA, thats if you want...
  • The code

  • I will try to comment the code used for the sensor-box, this is the latest version consider that there's 6 version. The weirdest problem i've encountered is the heap fragmentation, as a self learning guy, I've wildly used Strings (especially in a past...
  • Tuya Application Setup

  • We assume that you are already familiar with the Tuya Platform and have created your account. Make sure you install tuyaos-link-sdk in Python. Tuya IoT Platform(Web) Once logged in, create a new product (follow this simple tutorial as a getting started...
  • WaveShare SPI 2.9" e-Paper display

  • Battery powering ESP-based devices always take some consideration, as WiFi, if not used sparingly, quickly sucks all the battery you can get. However, by having the device in deep sleep and only waking up for updates every n minutes makes it totally...
  • Stage 3 - Display Minutes

  • This stage displays the minutes on 60 LEDs arranged as a bar graph. 74HC164 serial-in, parallel-out shift registers are used. The shift register looks at it's inputs, and at every clock input, shifts all of the current values one over, looks at the current...