
1493 Results for ""

  • Bill of Materials (Sans Lens)

  • LCD: $17.56Round Heat Sink: $3.63LED: $0.34130Ω Resistor: $0.362.2kΩ Resistor: $0.41BD 139-16 Transistor: $0.40BC 547 Transistor: $0.20Slide Switches: $0.76200Ω Resistor: $0.76LCD Port: $1.01PCB: Varies wildly, PCB Way is a good one,...
  • Clock in a Box

  • In order to access A4 and A5 of the Arduino, you will need to solder two (2) headers onto the board (at least on my version). I used male right-angle headers to save space.
  • Mounting the ESP8266

  • I use a Wemos ESP8266 board mounted on a small piece of veroboard to connect the ESP8266 to the relevant pins on the mainboard I2C connector.  In my case I use GPIO12 and GPIO13 (SDA A4, SCL A5) for my interface.
  • Connect all hardware components

  • Connect the accelerometer to the Arduino Mini VCC -> VCC GND -> GND SCL -> A5  SDA -> A4  Don't connect the battery, we will have to power up the Arduino Mini and upload the code first using an FTDI basic USB converter
  • Attach pedal and buttons to arduino.

  • Use the negative points of the button and connect to the gnd pin of the arduino.Use the positive pin of the button to analog pins A3 and A4.Use the positive pin of the pedal to analog pin A2.
  • Code

  • Open a laptop with the Arduino software ( the code from or copy the code belowConnect the Arduino to the laptop using the USB 2.0 cable.Press the upload button on the...
  • Conclusion

  • Here is a link to my personal dashboard so you can see how it looks and how I'm doing! Now you have a fully built dashboard. You can view your trends and compare different days to see how your activity varies. Let me know if you...
  • RPi OS Install & Config

  • OS: Raspberry Pi OS Lite Install the OS Download the lastest OS from Etcher to image a 2GB or larger SD card. Configure Wireless Access,6028.htmlSetup...
  • Initial State Dashboard

  • All your data will come in and set as a general data type in Tiles. This is the fun part. Change your Tiles to different data types and add Real-Time Expressions. I'll explain how to do all of these to make your dashboard to most effective and beautiful...