
1493 Results for ""

  • Pre Processing Original Image

  • Once the image is captured, the system applies a sequence of computer vision algorithms in order to improve the quality of the picture. The main objective here is to make the text in the image as evident and recognizable as possible, which is essential...
  • PolaPi v2.0

  • Rasbian Jessie Lite Pls download the latest version of Jessie Lite write it to an SD Card (16GB recommended but 8GB would work too) boot your Pi, attach ethernet cable (or configure wifi) and enter the...
  • thingSoC NEOLED Driver

  • TSOC_NEOLED Arduino Sketch ExamplesUnder the "examples" directory are several Arduino IDE examples for using the TSOC_NEOLED board with Arduino IDE. Using the Arduino "Wire" library for I2C communications, it is simple to control the TSOC_NEOLED // Start...
  • CortanaRoom home automation

  • Step 4: Make the hardwareShow All ItemsNow we have the software part done we need to go to the hardware part.For the hardware we need 1 arduino uno or nano a lot of long wires! 3 mosfets i use the IRFZ44N 4 5V ( 12V is possible with extra circuitry)...
  • Lets do it

  • For communication to the module we are using Arduino IDE, it's simple and it has a Serial monitor. We first need to install the ESP board so the software recognizes our board (If you have not already installed Arduino IDE you can go HERE and install...
  • Programming

  • Step by step instructions: - download and install the Arduino IDE;- download the source for the Verbis word clock;- install in Arduino IDE the ESP support libraries - more here;- insert the ESP-01 Board in the breadboard adapter and connect...
  • Wiring the Circuit

  • Once everything is securely glued in, it’s time for wiring! Use the provided schematic to connect all the jumpers to their appropriate pins. I’ll also provide the pin-outs below: (Note, this is for the Gravity Expansion HAT) Antenna Board: MI -> MISOMO...
  • Creating a Docker File

  • Why create a docker container? in this project, I'll be exploring data and building models. To allow you to build a model that is close to the one I create and instead of listing out all of the required libraries and packages, you can build this docker...
  • ESP32 Camera Build

  • Here we will use the ESP32 Touch Cam module from Makerfabs to build a DIY Digital Camera. For that, we do not need to do any extra connections. we just need to connect the module to our PC, and uploading the code will make it ready to use. For building...