
1536 Results for ""

  • Getting all Misty

  • To twist a phrase, into every aeroponics system a little mist must fall.  Below is a picture of the spray nozzles used in the LGT.  One of the best things about them is that they are compatible with the 3/8" push-lock Tee fittings that...
  • Raspberry Pi Zero Prism

  • Finally in terminal we will acces crontab -e .This is a file which contains the schedule of cron entries to be run and at specified times. In this case we want to run the file at every reboot.pi@raspberrypi:~ $ crontab -e @reboot sleep 10; XAUTHORITY=/home/user/.Xauthority...
  • July 6, 2023 - Big Batch #1

  • Begin with: 700 grams of filtered tap water from the frige in the break room. Poured into the same 5” stainless steel container that I used to cook inside yesterday. At 9:55 turn heat on and add: 6x70 = 420 grams of Sodium Hydroxide At 10:06 I...

  • Step 3. Cleaning and Dispersion of Chinese Supercritically Extracted AsphaltenesFollow all lab safety procedure.Place 20 grams of dried asphaltenes into a tared flask, record the weight. Add 300-400 mL of acetone to the jar.Place a stick blender into...
  • Pneumatic Extra-thumb

  • The soft telescopic, extra thumb actuator is based on a urethane rubber (Smooth-On Vytaflex 40) structure designed for grasping assistance during the execution of ADLs. The foldable structure was designed in such a way that it does not influence grasps...

  • For now, I'm building TicTacSyncs with off the shelf boards, here an Adafruit Ultimate GPS FeatherWing (25 USD) and a Adafruit Feather M0 Basic Proto (20 USD): Flash the board using the Arduino IDE with this program: ppssyncYears.ino A motivated maker...
  • Picking up the pieces

  • Part Substitutions Z8F0822, can be used in place of the Z8F0812HC-05 is optional. Also, the HC-06 should work with no changes to the layout or codeNearly any 3.3V low dropout regulator can be usedJust about any phototransistor should workThe same goes...
  • Cuts required

  • The plywood product I used was 1/2x2x4 G1S, $37 ea before tax in Ontario in summer of 2022. For the project infrastructure, four 1" x 4" x 8' knotty pine planks would be price competitive and less work to waterproof, but less convenient to transport....

  • The first thing we need is a basic flow to separate button presses into different outputs. [{"id":"50b49ab2.1e6f64","type":"mqtt in","z":"7805686.aa4fd98","name":"","topic":"button_glove","qos":"0","datatype":"auto","broker":"","x":310,"y":2180,"wires":[["ea9f502f.2dd17"]]},{"id":"ea9f502f.2dd17","type":"json","z":"7805686.aa4fd98","name":"","property":"payload","action":"obj","pretty":false,"x":490,"y":2180,"wires":[["425aef92.aa3da8"]]},{"id":"425aef92.aa3da8","type":"function","z":"7805686.aa4fd98","name":"ButtonSeperator","func":"var...