
270 Results for ""

  • Circuit Schematic

  • The LM555 has a maximum typical supply voltage rating of 16V while the relay's armature coil is enabled at 12V. Hence a 12V power supply is used to minimize the number of components such as linear voltage regulators. When pin 2 of the LM555 is triggered...
  • Pre Processing Original Image

  • Once the image is captured, the system applies a sequence of computer vision algorithms in order to improve the quality of the picture. The main objective here is to make the text in the image as evident and recognizable as possible, which is essential...
  • PolaPi v2.0

  • Rasbian Jessie Lite Pls download the latest version of Jessie Lite write it to an SD Card (16GB recommended but 8GB would work too) boot your Pi, attach ethernet cable (or configure wifi) and enter the...
  • Creating a Docker File

  • Why create a docker container? in this project, I'll be exploring data and building models. To allow you to build a model that is close to the one I create and instead of listing out all of the required libraries and packages, you can build this docker...
  • How to use Oasis controller software

  • Requirements Oasis controller is written in Python. Right now the right Python with libraries is required to run Oasis controller. Install the right python and libraries before running the Oasis controller software. Python 3.6.2 PyQT5 (pip3 install PyQt5)pyserial...
  • 3. Peripherals Setup: TFT Display Control

  • This step describes the TFT display setup for PiCon One. The TFT display I am using is the Adafruit 3.5 480x320 display with product ID 2050. The current pin assignment for this TFT on PiCon One v1.0a is matching the Adafruit 3.5 PiTFT (product ID 2097)....
  • PolaPi

  • The raspberry pi could be accessed with ssh and files copied with scp (or winscp).Make the following folders:/home/pi/Photos (where the picture files will be saved)/home/pi/polapiOn the last one, put 3 files. The file fbcp (if not executable, use "chmod...
  • Key Codes

  • """ `adafruit_hid.keycode.Keycode` ==================================================== * Author(s): Scott Shawcroft, Dan Halbert """ """USB HID Keycode constants. This list is modeled after the names for USB keycodes defined in
  • Raspi Newspaper Synthesizer/Reader

  • Now we need to add a file that is missing from the tts repositories. Fortunately Google themselves make it available but it needs some modifications to make it work with the Raspi port. You can find the file at
  • Raspberry Pi 3 Gameboy

  • 12. Gluing in the analog sticks and programming the leonardo pro microI glued in the analog sticks and soldered the corresponding wires to them. I then wrote a program to turn the leonardo into a USB joystick with 14 buttons and two analog inputs and...