
387 Results for ""

  • Voices of the past, speak up!

  • You will need the text to speech board from Mikroelektronika: Don’t forget to jumper it for 5 V! By default it is set of 3.3 V! You can solder it in directly, but make sure you have enough clearance for the...
  • Proto-Rap Mark II

  • en esos 3 videos de aprox un minuto se ve el armado. Primero se montan los laterales, el carro z y en tercer...
  • Rpi Zero StarWars Clock

  • Create as Code example.#!/bin/sh #On Staging kernel not needed #sudo modprobe fbtft dma #Example for hy28B sudo modprobe fbtft_device name=hy28b fbtft_device.speed=3000000 rotate=90 fbtft_device.fps=20 sleep 10 fbcp& JAVAFX_DEBUG=1 java -Dcom.sun.javafx.experimental.embedded.3d=true...
  • DIY Jukebox With Raspberry Pi

  • Step 1: REQUIRED COMPONENTSRaspberry Pi 2 or 3 // ~$10~$3516 GB SD card // ~$8Big breadboard // ~$4GPIO buttons + jumper and hook-up wires // <$2speakers ~$0usb stick ~$0philips hue bulb ~$10-$20you can get everything for around $50.< body></$2speakers>...
  • Material

  • The materials to make this PCB holder are aluminum, except for the threaded bar that is in iron. I used 3 types of rods:  Round with a diameter of 6 mmSquared 10 x 10 mmRectangular 20 x 5 mm, that are used for the jaws Plus the threaded...
  • Simple TTL logic tester

  • For the prototype there isn't much to instruct. I use a cheap China prototype-shield with a fitting bread-board. The only connections are from the shield to the board and documented in the Arduino sketch pinMap.h file. For the prototype the power pin...
  • Print Housing

  • The housing needs to be 3D printed. The bottom piece does not need supports. The top piece should have supports for the holes where the pegs in the bottom piece slide in. Play with the support settings in the slicer (I used Cura), so that you have you...
  • Wiring Up the Circuits

  • The circuit was wired up according to the schematics. Arduino: Arduino pin D2 => L298N pin IN4Arduino pin D3 => L298N pin IN3Arduino pin D6 => L298N pin IN2Arduino pin D7 => L298N pin IN1Arduino pin D9 => MAX7219 pin DINArduino pin D10 => MAX7219 pin...
  • Controllers

  • The controller that comes with the Elekslaser is the EleksMaker® ManaSE (version unclear) which is an arduino nano and supports two A4988 driver modules. I am using this to control the C axis and may use it's motor port - spindle speed - to control...
  • CODE

  • The first code chunk declares the variables and establishes connections #include #include "Wire.h"#include #include "GravityTDS.h"#include #include #include "MS5837.h"#include "ping1d.h"#include "SoftwareSerial.h"#include "RTClib.h"#include //#include...