
302 Results for "smart car"

  • Arduino Cat laser toy DIY

  • No soldering required and easy to make, a great first project! Creating a laser turret After you have all your components you can start building it. It is very easy and took me 30min to complete it and if my cat did not annoyed me I guess I could do...
  • Programming the device

  • Go to the GitHub repository of this project (also present in the Code block of this tutorial) and download the zip file containing all necessary code and unpack it in a folder (or use the git command-line interface to do the same thing like...
  • Mine Stake Use

  • You might be wondering that we have discussed a lot about the Helium Network but what are the uses of the network or the various modes in which It can be used. So here, we will discuss, the modes in which the Helium Network can be used and what we can...
  • WLED - Alexa and Phillips Hue

  • The fantastic WLED software allows us to connect this project with Alexa and Philips Hue. If this is something that you're not interested in doing you can just skip past this step. Integrating with Amazon Alexa The Nanoleaf project can be integrated...
  • Battery Tutorial for SG circuit

  • Greetings fellow Enthusiasts Let me introduce myself. I'm Bones MacGyver. I like to make sparks.I'm going to do my best to help out the community with their battery woes.By no means am I a battery expert. But I have used and abused MANY Ni-Cd cells (and...
  • BLE Sys Control

  • USE CASES:UC1: The control and acquisition solution will be split between 2 distinct HW components: Peripheral Device – this will be connected directly to the I/O connexion panel of the FESTO platform(e.g. Level Process, Flow Process or Pressure Process)....
  • The Code

  • On the home file (/pi/home) of your pi, and VeSyncApi,py.For the and VeSyncApi,py, I'll put my code here. You can either copy paste it and be done with it, but I encourage you to modify the file to suit your...
  • VR Tracker

  • They are two main components in the system : the cameras and the gateway.The cameras are based CMUcam5 from Charmed Labs which is a position tracking camera which can output 2D coordinates. Why this camera ?I have tested almost every alternatives, and...

  • Step 1: Get your PCB ready! Talking About Electronics After making the circuit diagram I transformed it into a PCB design to produce it, to produce the PCB, I have chosen JLCPCB the best PCB supplier and the cheapest PCB provider to order my...
  • Receiver

  • In this tutorial, M5Stick C will act as a transmitter, and it will receive the temperature reading from the transmitter. #include #include "BLEDevice.h" //BLE Server name #define bleServerName "M5" /* UUID's of the service, characteristic that we want...
  • Coffee time

  • Coffee machine HackProject has been done in Amiqual4Home Equipex Creativity Lab - worked with ENSIMAG students of Café Sourire ProjectTo hack : Saeco Intelia Coffee MachineDescriptionYou purchased a Saeco Intelia...
  • up load the code

  •  This is the code i have running in 23 Arduinos.    you need to download.   Install Arduino IDE 1.8.5 FastLED-3.1.0ethercard-master Then open Arduino. From the Arduino IDE: Sketch -> Include Library... -> Add .ZIP Library...Restart...