
483 Results for "password vault"

  • Model creation and training

  • We will use Edge Impulse Studio to train and build a TensorFlow Lite model. We need to create an account and create a new project at We are using a prebuilt dataset for detecting whether a faucet is running...
  • Instructions

  • How to Bypass the BGW-320 and Using an Azores WAG-D20 Most people with fiber have two ways to connect to the internet - fiber to an ONT, Ethernet to a gateway or fiber directly to the gateway. In this article, we will focus on how to bypass the BGW-320...
  • Arduino Code

  • It's in the GITHUB! The code comes down the these smaller steps: MQTT handling and Button handling. Let's do button handling first. I made a simple button object with the pin number, button press boolean, and button count. struct Button { const uint8_t...
  • Commands for MSXPi-DOS (MSX-DOS)

  • It is possible to use MSXPi along with other disk drive interface, such as the MegaFlashRom SD or ATA-IDE. In this case, MSXPi-DOS burned to the MSXPi EPROM is not started, which means, it is not possible to use the MSXPi disk images stored on Pi. However,...
  • Python Code IRC Twitch Bot!

  • The files for this code is hosted in the files section of this project. Lets just start by importing the Socket, time, random, and math libraries. import cfg import socket import time import random import math They cfg file is one custom made with your...
  • Putting it all together

  • I will be using GPIO5 and GPIO4 to communicate with the DS18B20 and the DHT22. These are NodeMCU pins 1 and 2 respectively. I will also be using the on-board LEDs on GPIO0 and GPIO2, which are NodeMCU pins 3 and 4. We also need to declare variables...
  • Using CanAirIO app

  • Usage For now you need any Android device with Bluetooth 4 or above. You can download the CanAirIO app from GooglePlay, keep in mind that it is in continuos development then please any feedback, report errors, or any thing please let us knowed it via...
  • Decoding Eddystone UID

  • Beforedecoding the advertisement data, we need to understand what isEddystone. Eddystone was created by Google as a open format to be used on Android and iPhone devices. On the format specification, 4 different format are described. Eddystone-UID – Used...
  • CLI using Jaguar

  • Jaguar is a small Toit application that runs on your ESP32. It uses the capabilities of the Toit virtual machine to let you update and restart your ESP32 code written in Toit over WiFi. Change your code in your editor, update it on your device, and restart...