
3008 Results for "arduino"

  • Loading software to Arduino

  • Using a serial adaptor, connect a PC to the GND, RX and TX pins of the Arduino. Use the Arduino IDE to edit the INO file. At the top of the file, set the web address for the website where the data should be stored. Use the Arduino IDE to send the INO...
  • Setup Arduino IDE

  • For this project I used Arduino IDE for programming the Arduino board. 1. Download and install Arduino IDE latest version You can find the latest version for Windows, Linux or MAC OSX on Arduino's website: Download...
  • Set Up Arduino IDE

  • Connect your Arduino, open the IDE, and upload Example> ArduinoISP sketch; This Arduino-supplied example sketch turns your Arduino into an ISP (in-system programming) Again ; Open Arduino IDEFile > Preferences and in Additional Board Manager URLs: and...
  • Setup the Arduino IDE

  • Plugin your Arduino Nano using a USB cable. If needed, install drivers. Once complete, select the appropriate Board Type and COM port under Tools
  • Install the Arduino Nano

  • Flip the board over to the back and insert the Arduino Nano. Ensure the usb connector faces the word USB printed on the PCB. Flip the board over and solder all the pins. Be careful to not touch the displays or the keys with the hot iron while soldering...
  • Connect to Arduino

  • Plug the collated ground wires into the Arduino Ground pin and the collated + wires in the Arduino 5V pin. Then plug the other jumper wires into the correct I/O pins: Pilot LED's - 2-13 (in order) IR sensors - 22-45 (in order of sensor pairs)
  • Program the Arduino

  • Program the Arduino with one of the examples in the arduino-examples folder in this github You can replace the variable contents const unsigned char sample with your own audio if you want.