
249 Results for "bar robot"

  • Wearable computer

  • Disassemble the primary unit of the video glasses, which now resembles a black plastic bar. You should end up with two boards connected by a thin-film ribbon cable, one of which is connected to another board (containing a USB-like plug) connected by...
  • Wearable computer

  • Disassemble the primary unit of the video glasses, which now resembles a black plastic bar. You should end up with two boards connected by a thin-film ribbon cable, one of which is connected to another board (containing a USB-like plug) connected by...
  • Briefcase PC

  • Measure, cut, and drill holes into Aluminum Square Tubing to re-enforce the lid and bottom due to the weight of the monitor. The tubing was put on the on the upper-most rivet holes for the lid and bottom-most rivet holes for the bottom hinge screws.It...
  • Assembling the Scale - Pt1

  • First I had to fit the sensor inside the 3D printed foot parts. They were locked inside this fame, and later attached to the structure using some screws. I used four M2x1.6mm for attaching the display to the 3D printed cover part. Two more bolts were...
  • Powering the system

  • To send power to the Arduino you can just plug in the USB it comes with into a AC/DC converter (AKA a block). To supply the motors with power you'll need an adjustable voltage supply from a wall socket. This gets plugged into a DC power jack. The DC...
  • Initial State Dashboard

  • Go to your Initial State account and look at your data. I mapped the temperature and weather icon to emojis, made the temperature value a thermometer gauge graph, made humidity a liquid level gauge graph, made the UV index a bar graph with color thresholds,...
  • Install Apache Web Server

  • To be able to host a webpage on our device, we need to install a web server. To do that enter the following command to install Apache2: sudo apt install apache2 -y  Then, to make prepare the computer for installing the database, enter the command...
  • Configuring the NodeMCU

  • 1. First time when the NodeMCU restarts after the flashing process, it will start in Access Point mode serving its own wireless network. 2. Connect to the SUPLA network. it does not request for any password. 3. Once connected, open a bowser and in the...
  • Grind and cut the required plastic parts.

  • The goal is to have a final mount position that should be more or less like this one: Take your measures and cut a slot next to the tv out. You must also cut some plastic from the round bar to allow the connector housing of your headphones to fit. Grind...
  • Set up for real

  • Close the telnet program if you opened it. When you start the debugger, use the top menu bar to open a new terminal. Inside the new terminal enter: orbcat -c 0,"%c" This will decode channel 0 as a character in the display. You can add more -c if you...