
479 Results for "fix"

  • Assemble SAO Fix Board

  • Once you've finished soldering the parts onto the SAO Reject board you can move on to to the SAO Fix Board.  The SAO fix board is simply another header and a resistor.  First solder the 0805 resistor to the board.Once that's completed solder...
  • Fix The Focal Length

  • I ended up removing the stage (i'm not going to be using the under-stage lighting or condenser) which revealed 4 nice bold holes on the corners of the base.
  • LCD Assistant fix

  • LCD assistant is a tool you can find oline to convert black and white images to an array of bytes that can be easily stored in your code, so you can display it on the Oled. This tool can be downloaded here. But with my SD1306 oled and the Squix library...
  • Test Fix Test

  • This is when you get to put your debugging hat on. I can tell you the software is working on GitHub so at least that is one less thing to debug. But go ahead anyway if you have doubts and send me any updates you find. 
  • Fix Up Down Arrangement

  • 1) Now the stand is ready. We want an arrangement to hold the servos and move up and down in the rail. 2) I use a old pen. Cut the pen in to two pieces and insert into the rods, The pen inner dia is more greater than the rod dia. So i insert a straw...
  • Fix servo, attach arm.

  • Find the 0 ° or mid position on the servo. The following code can help you do this. #include Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo void setup() { myservo.attach(6); // attaches the servo on pin 6 to the servo object myservo.write(0);...
  • Fix NeoGeo controls if needed

  • NeoGeo controls didn’t worked so I had to edit /opt/retropie/emulators/config/fba/fba2x.cfg file and change START and SELECT mapping, see like : [Joystick] # Get codes from "jstest /dev/input/js0"...
  • Fix the filter in place

  • Fold the material over the snorkel mounting post, making sure ALL the edges are more or less level, and fit the first tie wrap "upwind" of the edges so no air can get in unfiltered. Once you are happy fit the second tie wrap above the first. If you use...
  • Attempting a fix, part I

  • To fix the air puffing, I need the equivalent of a capacitor in the air line. In other words, a small tank that will even out the puffs of air before they reach the laser head. Starting with a plastic soup container and a plastic barb, I cut the barb...
  • Fix service start-up sequence.

  • As a final step, we need to make sure wpa_supplicant on wlan0 starts after hostapd on ap0. To do this, we need to add an override file: sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/wpa_supplicant@wlan0.service.d sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/wpa_supplicant@wlan0.service.d/override.conf...