
1644 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 셔츠룸후기た 《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 ⑷plenty㎋셔츠룸후기셔츠룸후기んteeth 셔츠룸후기선릉셔츠룸 강남셔츠룸₩셔츠룸ⓤsilverⓞ"

  • Version two: PCBs complete

  • Title says it all - just placed the order for version two's PCBs and feeling cautiously hopeful. The hardware on this board is a major step up from the last:Two MAX 10 FPGAs (one as the CPU and the other as an I/O controller) vs. one Cyclone IV16K logic...
  • Installation is a Pain; Flexible GPIO

  • I totally acknowledge that installation of all the software dependencies and managing configurations is a pain in the butt. Because Pi's are often single-purpose (ish), I think I'm going to remedy this by making Garage Security a .bin file that can be...
  • I name thee NANO-4096

  • I finally came up with a name for the device: The NANO-4096. The past two weeks I've spent more time on the code. I decided on using the SdFat library for SD card functions. It's slightly more compact than the standard Arduino SD library. I've also finished...
  • Introduction

  • This is a homebrew Z80 based retroish computer that I'm designing and building. This post provides some background on why I'm working on this project, how I got to the design, and what my end goals are.---------- more ----------Why am I building...
  • New design

  • A quick update of the openSCAD file to fit into the new printer. The screw holders and the joints have been updated as well to fix previous mistakes. Following are a series of photos and the improvements being shown by the photos. This design fit together...
  • Hacklet #4 - PCB Tools and Wristwatches

  • The Hackaday Prize is heating up! When we set up the prize, we expected to see some incredible entries, and you guys haven’t let us down. Projects like SatNOGS, which aims to create a global network of satellite ground stations, or OpenMV, a low-cost...
  • Audio output

  • The first aspect I'll consider is the audio output. How convenient that Adafruit recently made that video about audio output. I'll be using the simple filtered PWM technique that was outlined in the video. I'll amplify it using a salvaged audio amplifier...
  • Thoughts On Using A Coprocessor

  • ESP32 is a feature packed power house when it come to price-performance ratio which makes it ideal for all IoT applications. But there's one tiny drawback - limited number of GPIO pins. On the ESP-WROOM32 module, some pins are used by the flash chip...
  • Radio Controller App

  • Seeing as how we don't have any CPU cycles left in the arduino for a neural network, we figured we'd just have to make a remote control app, and leverage the human operator's biological neural network.At the moment it's very bare-bones as you can see....
  • Soggy Saturday Syndrome

  • Well, rain has stopped me from working on my camping kitchen project today, so I'll do another DogEars update.I've chosen my FPGA, I've gone for a Spartan 6 LX9 chip, it seems to be able to fit all the FFT goodness I need with plenty of space left over...
  • Hardware Design

  • Now that we know the communication protocol between the WeMo(R) base board and the control PCB its time to design the custom controller. Of course the replacement has to maintain the same physical dimensions as the original and the I/O components need...