
3504 Results for "『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 선릉셔츠룸㈄ 『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 Ηcake²셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸デwriter 셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸 선릉셔츠룸⒁셔츠룸사이즈┲exhausted⅔"

  • Disassembling the Shutter Glasses

  • The Sony PS3 3D Shutter Glasses are disassembled by removing 6 very small cross-headed screws, then pulling the glasses apart into separate halves.Two screws hold in the nosepiece.Two more are on each side, by the hinges.  Fold the arms to expose...
  • Triggering the LCD lenses - Success

  • The glasses have been disassembled and a basic means of triggering the LCD shutters has been determined.Each LCD lens has a small mylar ribbon connector going to the main PCB.  There is one at each corner.For each connector, the inner contact (nearest...
  • Light Sensor Evaluation (Success)

  • The tiny light sensor board gives some nice and stable analog readings based on amount of ambient light.  It gives a "0" well ahead of full darkness however.Software-wise I treat it almost identical to temperature sensor - read values...
  • Initial project Planning

  • After settling on an overall concept, we began to hash out a few details. Our plan is to create an easily extensible project so that we, or others, can refine and further extend R2 in the future.To this end our initial design was to create a multipurpose...
  • Hardware progress

  • 04.12.2014 (Kittan) Got the computer functional. We've got a vid card on order that'll handle screens 9-12 (so far the only out-of-pocket expense for the project) but I have a machine already running screens 1-8. 6 of them are touchscreens already hacked...
  • Frames and stuff

  • 04.15.2014 (Kittan) Novak left early, something about having to go be awesome and buttkicking, I dunno. But I think he got some work done on parsing map data and rendering. We'll probably reload the NotSoGreatway with debian tomorrow or someday soon...
  • Title? Pfft.

  • 04.16.2014 (Kittan)First coat of paint on the monitor housing faceplates. Novak and I took 'em out and shot 'em up with a .22 so they'll look all battle-hardened. Don't tell anyone, but first we tested penetration and shatter by shooting some plywood...
  • Thursday grumble grumble

  • 04.17.2014 (Kittan)Today was an interesting day. Well, not really. I got the housings finished up for the screens and all screens mounted within said housings. Last night we loaded some debian on the NotSoGreatway and found it lacking driver compatibility,...
  • Cheeseburger Day

  • 04.18.2014 (Kittan) Friday is officially Cheeseburger day around here.Also it took a day longer than it should have but we finally this afternoon got the multihead stuff to work. I fiddled with some older drivers last night, and Novak came in today with...
  • Hooray! etc

  • 04.19.2014 (Kittan) Turns out the backlight issue was actually a power delivery issue, which has been resolved. Also the RS232 USB adapters came in so we can hopefully get every touchscreen interfacing. Now I guess I get to start designing the frame,...
  • Ignore the product placement

  • 04.20.2014 (Kittan)Got the easy ones mounted on the frame. I'll need to add a second row of rail and figure out how best to mount the bottom 5 screens (making sure to leave room for keyboard arms and accessories), but it should be done sometime Monday....