
247 Results for "raspberry"

  • The Brain: Raspberry PI

  • The two obvious brain choices (to me at least) were Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Ultimately the choice was dictated by the needs of the vision system.One of my design goals for this craft is stereo vision. That means either one camera with a bunch of interesting...
  • 1st version, Raspberry Pi Zero

  • So the first version of this concept used a Raspberry Pi Zero and received the images by email. I liked how easy it was for anyone to send images by email, without needing to remember a link (although it needed a specific password in the subject line...
  • Best results with raspberry pi 4

  • The best rule with efficientdet_lite0 has been hard coding the number of animals in frame & making sure that number is always visible so it doesn't get false positives.  Tracking just the highest score would oscillate between 2 animals.  Since...
  • OpenCV 3, Python 2.7 and a Raspberry Pi 2

  • Adrian Rosebrook writes code and blogs about OpenCV. His blogs are clear and informative. He is highly regarded as an expert. His website can be found here and if you are interested in installing OpenCV I would highly recommend you take a look. I have...
  • Raspberry Pi Pico Video and PS/2 Keyboard

  • I've pretty much completed the core library code for the VGA out and PS/2 Keyboard input handling on the Pi Pico, to be used as an A/V support chip on my JJ65C02 system and figured it was time for an update and even a video. The Pico outputs basic VGA...
  • Finishing touches....

  • My 32 channel PWM modules for the raspberry Pi arrived ! hurray! I had to solder 60 connections to my shirt, gave the 4 chips different adresses and now im working on the Software for the raspberry.I plan to use Processing to capture a frame of the webcam...
  • I am back making the glasses

  • Hi. Let me explain why I havn't posted for over a month.The screen came, and I got it working with the Arduino very quickly. However, the problems came when I tried to get it working with the raspberry pi.After a few weeks of  finders that the drivers...

  • Prototype board, plus Breadboard area, plus holes to mount the FINE DUST. PM 2.5 & PM 10MODULE SDS011This board (without the SDS011) will be used as the bottom board in the RASPBERRY frame.
  • Aims

  • Now that we have the main hardware (minus the optics) all working. We aim to explain how this project can be modified to suit your needs.The main advantage of this design is that all the parts are readily available (links in the components section) and...
  • Glasses Frame Designed

  • Hi! This is a quick log to say that I have worked out what electronics I want in the glasses, and I have even designed a wireless controller to control the display that will be powered  by an arduino nano, or pro mini. This will then talk to the...