
6893 Results for "%E3%80%8A%20%EC%98%88%EC%95%BD%EB%AC%B8%EC%9D%98%20OIO%E2%89%A1%E2%91%A7%E2%91%A389%E2%89%A183O%E2%91%A5%E3%80%8B%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%EA%B2%AC%EC%A0%81%E3%82%88%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8ago%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%E3%83%A1%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8eighty%20%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%CE%BA%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%E2%92%B2%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%E3%83%A1%EF%BD%83%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8literary"

  • [E2][R][M] Auto Detach Bed

  • [17 Jan] Right now, the tool steel bed costs around £60 and the honeycomb mesh would probably cost another £60 if I could find one in the size I need. I did some research on r/lasercutting and the reasons for the honeycomb is...
  • [E3][R] 5G Celluar Connectivity

  • Due to the fact that there hasn't been a device productive enough to use outside, I've never looked into celluar data plans. Now that I'm thinking about Leti, I thought I'd look into the inital and running costs of 4G and 5G connectivity. Initial...
  • [E2][R] PCBWay still can't manufacture?

  • [07:00] I wake up and I get this: From PCBWay: Sorry, our factory does not have a suitable cutting tool for processing your parts. You have two options: 1. If the internal groove is not useful, we suggest you remove it. 2. Increase the size of the...
  • New Print Function

  • The EVE chip has a number of built in fonts. You can access them directly using the "cmd_text" command. I've added a new basic command in addition to the PRINT command - "GDPRINT"You can specify the font (#16-31), cursor position and colour, plus a string...
  • Introducing the mjbots quad A1

  • Here's a quick video showing rebuilding the legs on the mjbots quad A1.  Everything is upgraded from the A0, including 12 qdd100 servos, a new body, new legs, and a new power distribution board, and a new raspberry pi daughterboard.and a pic of...
  • Board NEDONAND-6

  • NEDONAND-6 is 8 multiplexers 2:1 with common control (straight select and inverted select):Board already ordered through OSHPark:Pins description:1.1) GND - ground 1.2) O0 - output of multiplexer 0 1.3) O1 - output of multiplexer 1 1.4) O2 - output of...
  • The Story So Far-- Explodophone 1.0 Part 2

  • Now for the other half. For maximum starting flexibility without taking the cost too high, I opted to go two octaves, using notes found on the white piano keys only, i.e., notes with only letter designations and no sharp or flat symbols. This means I...
  • Backplane

  • I decided that interface between ZIF-socket and host machine will be implemented with help of this antique ISA backplane manufactured in 1984 (I bought it for about $20 last month):I cut out it a little to remove part with pull-up resistors, because...
  • A lot of googling to start.

  • The first thing I did was try and find a device that could do what I wanted. I found this which should be exactly what I need. Its too much of a device for...
  • [E1][T][M] Tetent with 1440px screen?

  • 1440x1440px resolution at 125% scalingWhat the screen would look like on Tetent (but sharper). This already makes me think back to my Windows Vista on PSP days, but I'm mainly imagining the future present of quietly chilling in bed while trimming down...
  • [E3][R] Transparent HMD Options on AliExpress

  • Realising that I had the simple yet inescapable choice to finally look into a strong and stable life-management system or chaos continuum, I started searching around on Friday 24th Nov when I said to myself "I feel that if I set the budget for the HMD...
  • Subtraction

  • SubtractionI have had a bit of a problem getting my head around subtraction and the borrow/carry flag. With some CPUs (such as the 6502) the carry flag is set and when underflow occurs then the carry flag is cleared. This works of course but makes JNC...
  • FAT32 File Format

  • When you search google for FAT file format you get tons of pages on formatting disks. It's harder to pull out the detailed format of the SD card. Wikipedia to the rescue (Design of the FAT file system). A less technical FAT32 Wikipedia page is File...
  • [E3][M] Coaxial8or logotype and test model

  • The finished logotype So I was idly thinking about the potential name of the 8-in Printed Coaxial Hotend, and one thought that popped up was "I'm sure you could make a trendy and techy logo with a name like that.". I was intrigued, and after about...
  • Could this work?

  • I recovered the project file from my drive and made some changes to it. The question is, which wire goes where? I won't know for sure until the dummy plug arrives, but the AUX line is definitely used for this purpose. I even created an EDID data for...