
6141 Results for "3D%20printing"

  • Initial 3D design and 3D prints

  • We have considered several different design options for Visioneer such as a bracelet, necklace/pendent, pin, glasses, headband, and assistive case attachment.  Each option has both pros and cons.  Finally we narrowed it down to a design involving...
  • 3D printed miniature

  • 5 cm tall 3D printed miniature of the robot with articulated arms.Printed in PLA, 0.2mm layers, 20% infill.Miniatura de 5 cm de altura do do robô com braços articulados impressa em 3D.Impresso em PLA, com camadas de 0,2 mm e 20% de preenchimento....
  • Final 3D case

  • Today i have printed an easy case for my 3D ShutDown project.It's not amazing but it works pretty well.I leave you the link for my 3D model:
  • Creating a 3D model

  • The next step is to create a 3D printed case for the PCB and the sensor. But to do this i first created a 3D model of the hole assambly to thest everything first. And as it turns out it really was a good idea:As you can see i forgot the mounting holes...
  • 3D Thrusters and mounts

  • Once you have a 3D printer, every problem looks like something you can fix with a 3D printer. After printing some new thrusters, I've also updated the tube mounts with some custom 3D printed pieces.In the photo you can see them in blue (some of the new...
  • 3D printed case arrived!

  • The excellent quality 3D printed case is ready. The plexi cover is a laser cut 1.5mm thick plexi piece, with a simple white adhesive plastic mask. The case was printed by Shapeways with SLS technology.
  • The 3D design

  • First of all I needed a 3D design for the new frame. For this task I used FreeCAD for another time. I like this software!!!