
156 Results for ""

  • Moving up the ladder of abstraction

  • This photo captures the inner application interpreter's first sign of life. Very early this morning, or late last night, the virtual CPU ran its first program. It calculated the largest 16-bit Fibonacci number to be 1011010100100000 and plotted that...
  • Welding

  • I needed a few M3*40 screws, but unfortunately it was past 20:00 and the hardware store had closed. So I thought about making my own screws with the wire printer, which actually is just an advanced spot welder. The "screws" are made of stainless steel...
  • Printing Process

  • First, each component is designed in the Fusion 360 software, using commercial bench presses as reference. That's also the case for the dimensions of our 3D printed bench press. One of the challenges of our design was to ensure smooth movement for the...
  • Blender gears

  • Linear pitch: 1.5mm  Tooths: 20 Adapt Pitch diameter multiplier to get Outside diameter (10mm) Creating the screw Creating the gear Creating one screw nut - Creating the screw axis...
  • How I design

  • Designing for this project required many different approaches. Sometimes it was easy enough to take measurements, design the part in question and make it according to those dimensions. Other times it would be exceedingly difficult to measure all aspects...
  • Touched up

  • I touched up the binary to MIF utility ( to set the address to octal. That makes it easier to map to the PAL list file. The top of the MIF file now looks like: -- File: sievePlusLoaders.mif -- Generated by -- DEPTH = 4096;...
  • CNC Mechanism Nearly Completed

  • And just to remind ourselves of the build process:Strangely, it's actually looking very similar to the CAD design.Although the CNC build went quite smoothly, I did make one critical error by getting the Z axis ball screw out by 20 mm. It really has to...
  • Steve's board

  • Steve reported some problems with his board. The reset generator (IC9, SN74LS123, a dual monostable) was holding the reset lines to the FDD controller and Z80 low. It should reset the FDD controller first, then the Z80. Not having a spare to...
  • Another... camera

  • So I've got 4 days starting today to make the next camera This one has the sliding lock mechanism to interchange the camera modules Still prototyping the sliding lock thing but can see on the right it supports most of the RPi camera boards, software...
  • Project Log

  • 2019-05-30 I'd been putting this project off for a while because it is very complicated to get fully working and I have no known-good firmware specifically for it. I considered porting a monitor but a BASIC interpreter would be more impressive. Grant...