
401 Results for "↘ 최저가 Ò1Ò〈⑻⑷89〉83Ò⑥ ↗ 강남쓰리아워F グpossibility쓰리아워┃쓰리아워가격쓰리아워레깅스룸Iシ쓰리아워레깅스룸unnatural 쓰리아워ы쓰리아워레깅스룸㏅㈇temper"

  • Cyrillic alphabets in Terminal-BASIC output

  • My friend Dylan Brophy inspired me to investigate the ability to output the cyrillic text using different output devices, supported by Terminal-BASIC. 1. Using symbols others then capital latin in identifiers not possible and unnecessary. 2. USART output....
  • Data dump - lightning events

  • Dumped data the other day after we've had some wicked weather (leading into freezing temps again, of which I hope last night was the last)-=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2016.04.04 06:17:37 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=0: 24 km - Thu Apr 1 2016 3:28:25...
  • Algorithm bits

  • In this log I will discuss some algorithm ideas I have in mind for MARB. Some are easy, some require higher math. 1. Weather forecast MARB will not be connected to the internet. Call me old-fashioned, but it has nothing to do with AI to get for instance...
  • Display

  • I started wiring up the Memory sub-system board and realized quickly that I needed the display board to show the state of the various registers.  I first had to create a backplane to connect the boards into.  The backplane carries all the signals...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dan Maloney10:27 AMHi @Kip Daugirdas! Welcome aboard! mark joined  the room.10:52 AM bsigler joined  the room.11:24 AM Alex Mi joined  the room.11:31 AM Alex Mi11:32 AMmy question :) - how people decide between liquid fuel and solid fuel...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • caladan12:39 PMI think it's C++ on CentOS 7 daniel valuch12:39 PMactually, guess what it was Rosy Schechter12:39 PMHere are the libraries for data analysis: daniel valuch12:40 PMwhat was the mean time between failures when LHC started...
  • HelloPenguin Current Test

  • Running binRed test pattern firmware with new CR2032 battery with UNI-T UT61E meter in series set to Amps and logging over USB link to UT61E.exe. We see a high of 73 mA. Graph of Amps per Sample made in Libre Office No Time DC/AC Value Unit AUTO 1 13:33:16...

  • The piezoelectric effect is simple in its rules: Apply mechanical stress to a material and you generate an electric charge. The inverse is also true: Apply a voltage to a material, and it changes shape. This doesn’t work for everything, though. Only...
  • The Arduino code for "Bored No More"

  • The Arduino code for "Bored No More" #include #include #include #include "utility/Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h"#include //neopixels#define PIN 6 Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(120, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);// Create the motor shield...
  • Resistor divider + 4066 switch investigation

  • As I wrote before, I found this nice application note, and I took the input divider part with 4066 switches, which should serve as input divider of my Progmeter.I did a quick test on a breadboard, with MCP6041 as voltage follower. Input voltage was generated...