
1880 Results for "Q%20%EC%95%88%EC%82%B0%EB%B8%94%EB%9E%99%EC%9E%AD%20CDDC7_C%D0%9EM%20%E2%97%86%EB%B3%B4%EB%84%88%EC%8A%A4%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8%20B77%E2%97%86%EC%88%98%EC%9B%90%EC%9E%A5%EC%95%88%20%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%ED%86%A0%20%EA%B5%AC%EB%A7%A4%E0%B9%8F%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%ED%95%AB%ED%94%BD%E2%8F%AC%EC%98%A8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8%ED%99%A9%EA%B8%88%EC%84%B1%E0%BC%88FX%EB%A7%A4%EB%A7%A4%E2%8B%8D%EC%95%88%EC%82%B0%EB%B8%94%EB%9E%99%EC%9E%AD%EC%95%A0%EC%9A%A9%20thorough/"

  • A View Into the Soul of the Sol-20

  • From the beginning of my work on the Sol-20 reproduction I wondered what kind of display I would use with it. Of course a small CRT based TV or monitor would be ideal. To that end I put out feelers with my maker mates and even had someone at a local...
  • [E1][T][M] Tetent with 1440px screen?

  • 1440x1440px resolution at 125% scalingWhat the screen would look like on Tetent (but sharper). This already makes me think back to my Windows Vista on PSP days, but I'm mainly imagining the future present of quietly chilling in bed while trimming down...
  • 3D Print Raaco Handybox Inserts (A9-1)

  • At first, I bough extra compartment inserts. But realized shortly after getting my first 3D printer, that designing and printing my own was going to be cheaper and quicker.  The dimensions of the smallest box are specified as 39mm wide x 55mm deep...
  • Initial work

  • 2020-11-16 Downloaded libft4222-linux- and unzipped it. Ran the command: sudo ./ and got no complaints. In the examples/get-version.c file, there are instructions for Linux: cc get-version.c -lft4222 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib...
  • Programming Toolchain

  • There are some options for assembling 6800 code today. Ideally, a cross assembler would be good from Windows. Herb Johnson has adapted William C Colley III's A68 6800 cross-assembler. The A68 assembler runs in DOSBOX under Microsoft Windows. Output Format...
  • What

  • In past projects I've had raging successes by just looking at the raw data, XORing stuff together, and maybe squinting my eyes a little. Spoiler: Not so this time. I'll walk you through the steps anyway.---------- more ----------What we know: Data comes...
  • 1K Challange Laser

  • At this point, we decided to abandon the concept of mirroring. If we had had a much more complex design with many more points and more than 1kb, mirroring would have saved us space. Due to having so little space however, the algorithms power wasn't able...