
219 Results for "toy"

  • Ceremony Button

  • The control for the couple was made out of a simple wooden box, like the sort found at craft stores. It was painted flat beige, and A. drew on a lovely design in the style of wedding and invitations. The box will serve as a memento for the couple afterwards,...
  • Paint!

  • This project log has been an awfully long time in coming, since I was waiting for the boat to get painted. I asked one of the friendly maintenance guys at our office park to spray the boat with "anything waterproof left in the gun after a job", but he...
  • 632 Reasons

  • 632 people are now following this project! I had no idea there was such a following as I have been kind of living in a bubble the past few years. Well it's time to make up for lost time. I'm breathing new life in this project by repurposing Ivan to become...
  • Getting Started: My Dream

  • Ever since I completed Rhythm Core Alpha 2, I've been wanting to create a more powerful synthesizer. Rhythm Core Alpha was limited by what the Nintendo sound hardware could do, I know I can do much better! So let's build the dream synthesizer! Any synth...
  • Data RAM parity

  • In Memory arrays for relay toy^Wcomputer I suggested that parity would be an important feature. It will help evaluate the actual data retention time of the whole array, and detect run-time storage errors.Parity is just a XOR of all the bits, stored in...
  • 01

  • On Thursday I printed the first models of the soap dish plastic tray, and the 3D printing revealed that the top ribs were too sharp. They would "shave" a wet soap bar and create a lot of buildup and waste. I redesigned it that very same evening, and...
  • Early keyboard prototype

  • The other day I stumbled across this project for a modular keyboard design (modular in the general sense, not as in modular synthesis): inspired me to keep thinking...
  • PDF decoding in javascript

  • Lions traditionally used ghostscript to convert a PDF to images.  It's now considered pretty germane.  For a pure browser program, the internet recommends PDF.js A few chatgpt prompts can create a quick demo...
  • Software Architecture

  • (Original post date: 12/02/16)Over the past couple of weeks I have been dipping in and out of various parts of my project - developing the MIDI I/O interface, as well as starting to implement my audio synthesis engine design into a working entity...
  • Patch Manager Application and Sound Demos

  • At the start of this project I wasn't planning on having any kind of sound/patch storage or management within the vintage toy synthesiser, however as the project progressed I was more and more finding the need to quickly save and recall patches for both...
  • Breadboarding and Code

  • I prototyped the proposed schematic on a breadboad for testing. This way I was able to test the code as I wrote it. The code is below with a few notes following explaining some parts of the code. It is fully commented so that when in a few months if...
  • Initial Ideas

  • After understanding the context and defining the scope of interventions, we ideated on several concepts. They are :Concept 1: TaskerTasker, it is a game in which a user needs to perform a certain task within the time limit.Age group: 4+Components- Board...