
10191 Results for ""

  • Days 3,4,5: Eureka, sound and images found!

  • 1. Toolchain not found After stepping away few days far from my PC for family reason, I resumed my activities on the Tsykuyomi project.So I started by reading the code and looking for a SNC7001A Toolchain/SDK...

  • My old boards were an incredible step forward, but they had limited functionality, were not built with power/input/simplicity in mind, sometimes were unreliable, and were starting to die.The new boards have proper ground planes plus some cool new features...
  • AC common mode rejection testing

  • Intro This log describes common mode rejection tests that I performed on the probe.  I introduce the test setup and a test fixture, describe the results, and future plans. For reference, the probe's specs claim a common mode rejection ratio (CMRR)...
  • Link[ed!/s]

  • Hey hey! We got linked! Thankya @dearuserhron and @Arsenijs! #All About Laptop Display Reuse  #Laptop Display Things  Also, this project, frankly, I forgot that I had, here, so most recent updates regarding avr-lvds-lcd and similar hacks...
  • 20% reached

  • Thanks for all our backers our campaign hit the 20% target and the first early birds reward are all gone .. Hurry up to catch the silver on our campaign
  • Top 20

  • I just received word yesterday that ColorChord made it into the top 20 for the HCI challenge. Wow, I never thought it would go that direction and I was just about to scrap it for the parts to use on other projects. Guess not :-DNow I need to dust it...
  • 20230216b -- "Files"

  • The gist of this unit is that you type text into a discrete 'file' and then you can edit and later transfer to a separate computer via the keyboard emulation.  While whizzing through the code doing other things, various strings caught my eye, such...
  • 20 lbs

  • Put the fully assembled ROV on the scale today and it weights in at 20lbs. Not sure what I was expecting. By far the heaviest pieces are the batteries, aluminum endcaps, and the potted ESCs. Will do a fully assembled immersion test latest this week and,...
  • AC or DC power input?

  • Inspired with a suggestion about using AC/DC power supply instead of toroidal main transformer I didn't bid for one on the eBay (that was also suggested) but check what is offered from regular suppliers to insure more predictable availability. I find...
  • 20-channel Servo Shield

  • Yes, I keep refining the design. No, I don't actually need all those servo shields. But it's a fun challenge. So I made another one, this time controlling up to 20 servos at once.Note how all the servo sockets are on the edges. That means that if you...