
Smart Grid Solar Wallswitch

A wallswitch that monitors the energy of your Solar PV and adapts power consumption and monitors your air quality

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In Germany small solar power plants(Balcony PV) become more and more popular. With this small power plants you can generate 600-800 Watt and use the power you created on your own home grid. The downside is: Whenever your Solar PV generates more than you consume you will give the power away to your electricity company for free.

There ought to be a better way than giving away power for free to the energy companies.
How about measuring electric current consumption of several devices and switch them ON/OFF based on the power of your Solar Power plant.

This Project shows a small little device that can communicate with your Balcony solar PV and switch ON/OFF power consumption of certain devices based on the produced solar energy.

Monitor your energy consumption in your home with a Smart Wallswitch that seamlessly fits into your typical EU/US wallswitch housing. Enjoy realtime Powermeter-Measurements and the seamless integration with the user-friendly Node-Red or MQTT platform. 

This powerful device not only provides real-time data on your Wallsocket household's energy usage, but it also offers the added convenience of a snapshot of your Air-Quality in the Room whenever you are nearby your wallswitch, all thanks to the 2.7' e-paper display. 

Just walk by and watch the Graphs for Temperature, Humidity, CO², TVOC. With ist integrated Gyro/Accelerometer tapping on the screen offers a easy UI without Buttons. For lovers of "real haptic feedback" additionally 9 haptic buttons are included in the Design. These buttons can be programmed by the user with personalized features(e.g. open the curtains, show Weather Forcast, Display Data from Node Red/Grafana, MariaDB).

A 230VAC -> 3.3VDC regulator powers the Microcontroller ESP32-S3. A dedictaed bistable Relais can be switched by the Mircocontroller.
For most efficent power usage a low quiscent power circuit was designed. This design is so efficent that even powering from a LiPo battery becomes possible for weeks or even months.  The Smart Powermeter supports up to 2 different clamps for current meassuring without a burden resistor, allowing for versatile monitoring options. 

You want to operate this device in your Garden House without Wifi or Bluetooth connection? With the LoRa Long Range Communication this becomes possible as well. Up to 15km of Range can be covered.

Down to the Hard Facts: This Module has the following capabilities:

- ESP32-S3 for Wireless integration to your Smart home (WiFI/Bluetooth)

- 2.7" eInk/Epaper Display with/without Touch Screen
- BME680 for eCo2, Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Measurements
- BiStable Relay for switching 230V

- Microphone Connector for Loudness Measurement

- LoRa Long Range Communication for Remote operation (e.G. Your Garden House)

- (Optional) KNX EIB Smart Home Compatible with Nano BCU

- Tap & Double Tap Detection with a 6 Axis Gyro

- LSM6DSL Ultra Low Noise MEMS Gyro + Accel for Movement Detection and Earthquake Detection
- TPL5110 for PowerGateing and low Standby Current
- RV3028 C7 for Ultra Low RTC with Backup Cap lasts 3h
- SK6812 RGB LEDs --- > to make it even more a Hacker Device.

With this HW Specs you can think about your possibilities:
- Switching certain power consumption devices based on external data (Solar Power Production)

- Measuring the current of certain power devices

- Measuring Loudness and Audio Spectrum with a Microphone

- Air Quality Monitoring CO², TVOC, Temperature, Air Humidity, Pressure
- Display latest news/Temp Graphs/RSS Feeds
- Display Weatherforecast recieved over WiFi

Did you ever tought about a Module thats fits on your Desk and inside a wallswitch housing.
While sitting on your desk it needs to be ultra Battery Friendly.... This module fits both needs ACPower & Battery



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gehäuseOben v7.stl

Housing Top

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  • 1 × Custom PCB
  • 1 × E-Ink Screen Waveshare 2.7"
  • 1 × USB Cable for Programming
  • 1 × 3d printed case see in files or on github

View all 4 project logs

  • 1
    Order custom PCB

    soon availible on Tindie

  • 2
    Print a 3D Housing

    See Files for the 3D Files

  • 3
    Assemble​ and flash

    Assemble THe housing.

    Connect the USB Connector

    Start Arduino, fill in your Credentials(WiFi, MQTT) and press Uplaod

View all 4 instructions

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