
10191 Results for ""

  • 20 YEARS

  • I was one lucky bugger in my youth in that I had a buddy who worked at HP and brought me surplus gizmos [I thought] he acquired for dollars... As I recall, he brought me two flatbed plotters, two 8.5in floppy drives, an ISA HPIB card with full manual...
  • Plasma Effect for TMS9918

  • Plascii Petsma by Cruzer/Camelot has one of the nicest looking plasma effects I've seen for the C64. Since he included the source code, I was able to port it to the Z80 and TMS9918.    On top of the features in the original C64 version, I have...
  • The 220V AC Power On/Off

  • To leave the oven unchanged, a controlled on/off power outlet is necessary.A case from a dead PC power supply is used as an enclosure for the high voltage side of the controller. This is very convenient because it already has power sockets, fan and ventilation...
  • log(20) Fire works

  • This time I faced with another sort of problem. I've decided to install smaller capacitor to check if it has anything to do with efficiency, I was interested to get significant voltage increase on capacitor during charging cycle, and I've got it ;DEnergy...
  • 9/20/23 Update

  • I added a link to Josh Bensadon's short Youtube video demo of the MemberChip Card. (Thanks, Josh! I've never made a video in my life, and didn't know how I was going to add one to meet the contest rules.) I now have a program to read files from the upper...
  • September 20, 2015

  • This blog post is going to be a bit scattered. At this moment, I have a lot of projects at the 80% or a little more done, but nothing complete finished. I have been putting off any sort of update because I've been waiting to at least finish one or two...
  • 2014-06-20

  • BasWheel v1.27: Added parameters hex_screw_spacer, hex_screw_OD, hex_screw_ID, hex_screwhole_depth, hub_magnet_count, hub_magnet_margin, hub_magnet_diameter and hub_magnet_height