
10191 Results for ""

  • Step 6. Creating assistant.js

  • This step will go show you how to setup a MATRIX Lite project with Snips. First, MQTT must be installed and used to listen in on events from Snips. npm install mqtt --save assistant.js will be used to listen and respond to events from your Snips...
  • (edited) Transcript of the Kicad chat!

  • Wayne Stambaugh says:5 hours agoHello everyone on! My name is Wayne Stambaugh and I am the KiCad project leader. Welcome to KiCad chat and thank you all for dropping by.LazyHD says:5 hours agouse*Shulie Tornel says:5 hours agoWelcome Wayne!Atom...
  • (edited) Transcript for ESP32 HackChat

  • Jørgen Kragh Jakobsen says:16 minutes agoHi spriteSprite_tm says:14 minutes agoSo, I'm kinda new to these kind of chats... what's the idea, I just start answering the things in the spreadsheets? Or are you going to pelt me with questions live? I'm...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Bil Herd12:36 PMWell crap that didnt work Bil Herd12:36 PM I blame Google Bil Herd12:37 PM Bil Herd12:38 PMSo these images show a trace above a ground plane and the field around it. Nicolas Tremblay12:38 PMGot it, thanks Dave Blundell12:38 PMstrawberry...
  • We got UART!

  • I did this as soon as I got the router. I first took a look at the board and tried to find a serial port of some kind following devttys0's excellent guide. I took me a while to realize that the port wasn't any of the empty slots I so much tried to use,...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Erin RobotGrrlApr-13 12:48 PM:D Tom DowadApr-13 12:48 PMI'm sure he has a few projects of his own... Majenta StrongheartApr-13 12:48 PMIncase anyone doesn't know, he is part of the 2018 winning team :-) Tom DowadApr-13 12:49 PMGee James, I've got this...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Kevin Andersen12:49 PMhaha fair enough, maybe I should just try stuff out and see whether smoke appears Jon Foote12:50 PMWow that sounds fun. Is an oil ignition xformer like a neon xformer? Jon Foote12:50 PMYou could measure input current/power with...
  • Getting Started Using Your Jumperless

  • Cool, so you have this super sexy object now. How do turn it into an actual prototyping tool? The answer is software. After you've unboxed (and maybe assembled) your Jumperless, we're going to need a way to talk to it.  Now, the Jumperless is very...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Greg Ziraldo12:28 PM@Jason - stick to one weight. The minimal value-add to your design will be drastically over shadowed by the high manufacturing cost. Mark J Hughes12:28 PM3) How much current you'll put through the trace Mark J Hughes12:28 PMAnd then...