
10970 Results for "Q%20%EC%95%88%EC%82%B0%EB%B8%94%EB%9E%99%EC%9E%AD%20CDDC7_C%D0%9EM%20%E2%97%86%EB%B3%B4%EB%84%88%EC%8A%A4%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8%20B77%E2%97%86%EC%88%98%EC%9B%90%EC%9E%A5%EC%95%88%20%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%ED%86%A0%20%EA%B5%AC%EB%A7%A4%E0%B9%8F%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%ED%95%AB%ED%94%BD%E2%8F%AC%EC%98%A8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8%ED%99%A9%EA%B8%88%EC%84%B1%E0%BC%88FX%EB%A7%A4%EB%A7%A4%E2%8B%8D%EC%95%88%EC%82%B0%EB%B8%94%EB%9E%99%EC%9E%AD%EC%95%A0%EC%9A%A9%20thorough/"

  • TI-86 LCD interfacing

  • On the LCD board is a big TQFP that some might think to be the "LCD Controller"... That's not quite the case. That chip is a T6A40, NOT T6K04: the latter is apparently used in TI-83+ and others, and is an entirely different concept. Consider it,...
  • TI-86 OBDing Revisited

  • I started peeking back into my TI-86 OBD-reader yesterday... Van's acting-up again, a little. I was surprisingly far with it, already able to send-then-receive via the bitbanged UART, but it's a weird path I went down... Thing is, my van has two of the...
  • TI-86 Logic Analyzer

  • Ok, so it's gnarly-dusty and that's not real sample-data, but here goes: That's two lines of sample-data, from the link-port, wrapping, to show as much as reasonably-viewable (1024x2 Samples visible). Presently, I think each sample (pixel) is around...
  • Iteration A4

  • So after a few iterations of re-design to work with NEMA-8 sized stepper motors which whilst not the smallest available are the smallest in the sub $20 bracket. In this case $12ea. With the increased size comes the headach of deciding on an arrangment...
  • Debugging

  • Debugging Need to get this project working. One problem is that the Nano does not have enough pins. So I have used a Meduino (a Mega2560 Pro Mini). Here is the schematic: Here is the PCB: The ports (P1 & P2) match the TTA8 bus. A problem with the Meduino...
  • Re Openings

  • In a previous log I said, "I'm not going to overthink this. Random selection from the chess openings is working.". Well I lied. I am going to overthink this. (Well at least think it.) Something I should have done when working on the opening moves was...
  • All boards received

  • The rest of the boards just came:I think I will connect them together through wire-wrapped "motherboard" (lets call it "NEDONAND-10" ; )All of these NEDONAND components could be tested one by one using PIC microcontroller (connected to PC through RS-232)...
  • How ESP-NOW really works ?

  • To implement the ESP-NOW Protocol, we first need to understand how it works in details. The datasheet doesn't say much on the really low level, especially on the acknowledgment behavior. To understand what ESP-NOW does, I use Wireshark with my PC Wifi...
  • E2 Emulator

  • Sometimes, I get burned out by the hardware aspect of the project.  When this happens, I often wonder to myself, "Man, if only I had the Kestrel *finished*, then I can work on the software."  I reached that point not too long ago.So, I worked...
  • 9/20/23 Update

  • I added a link to Josh Bensadon's short Youtube video demo of the MemberChip Card. (Thanks, Josh! I've never made a video in my life, and didn't know how I was going to add one to meet the contest rules.) I now have a program to read files from the upper...