
1635 Results for "Reverse Engineering Blood Glucose Monitors"

  • Getting Ready for Reverse Engineering

  • (Also published here.)Today was all about getting set up for reverse engineering the board connections. The SDRAM, LEDs, buttons, and FTDI chip connections have already been figured out in the past, but the Silicon Image (SI) chips have not. And those...
  • Reverse Engineering of several polygon mirrors

  • In November last year, i reverse engineered several polygon mirror units of some laser printers i've got from friends. I also ordered some further units from ebay. Now a attiny2313 regulates the mirror motor speed. The attiny2313 should be a part...
  • Reverse engineering cont

  • This does call into question what the three lines to the backlight are. Perhaps they are not RGB, but instead are just different segments of the backlight. My first thought was to quick pull off one of those resistors and see how it changed, but remembering...
  • Reverse engineering the keypad

  • I had my time completely occupied by lectures and exam, but today i finally found some time to continue from where I left off: understanding how the keypad works. Smelting the problems away Due to the age of the device, I wasn't able to get any output...
  • Controller and reverse engineering

  • I need a controller which can implement the required sequencing, implement the positive manual enable, and a lock system to prevent unauthorized use. A convenient way to do testing while adjusting parameters would also be helpful.Digging in my parts...
  • JM20330 Reverse Engineering

  • The central component of this project is a PATA to SATA bridge IC. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be any suitable chip with (officially) publicly available documentation, so figuring out how to use them can be tricky. The most common IC for this...
  • Protocol Reverse Engineering

  • The next part is to figure out how the protocol works, and the format of the data.I started with taking some live captures in a running system (A MATE connected to an MX charge controller), and looking at what kind of packets were being exchanged. The...