
1635 Results for "Reverse Engineering Blood Glucose Monitors"

  • Pokemon Go Plus reverse engineering write up

  • The user in reddit BobThePigeon_ to writing an excellent research on the work of the PGO + your work we can find the certification processCertification...
  • Reverse Engineering the Keyboard, Part IV

  • I have made some progress on the keyboard controller since the last log entry.As we learned last time, our USB keyboard will need to send a specific scancode for each button pressed. All other logic (interpreting the keypresses) is done on the computer...
  • Reverse Engineering the Keyboard, Part V

  • Hello world! Of course, that was the first thing I typed into my new, beautiful keyboard. Now it is working perfectly, even though it looks a bit messy:If you have a really good memory, you'll remember that the keyboard connector is on backorder for...
  • Reverse Engineering the Keyboard, Part III

  • To figure out how to properly implement a keyboard, we first need to learn how a modern USB keyboard works. We'll figure this out step by step. The first question to answer is deceptively simple: how does my computer know what button i just pressed?...