
98 Results for "bldc"

  • Using an Arduino to flash ESCs

  • By 'flash' I don't mean what I did here...I am trying to flash some escs with the right firmware to make them be able to reverse the direction of the BLDC they are driving... maybe it's a myth or a pipedream, but this is my adventure...Update:I got my...
  • [B][M] Pulley, sprocket, slider mount and BOM

  • I've done a "quick" (a.k.a. 60 minute) model of 3 more components.  The sprocket now has 3d modelled "teeth" that I took inspiration from searching "ball chain" on thingiverse. I've modelled it such that the diametric magnet is held inside. This...
  • A different approach

  • In order to help me decide on whether to proceed with PAMs or switch to motors, I made a crude model of a leg. It's difficult to see here but there's 4 PAMs for the hip (up/down & left/right) and 2 PAMs for the knee. The paracord "tendons" that attach...
  • Field Weakening Support

  • That's right, Field Weakening! A major milestone for the VESC platform! In our public repo we pushed the code to add support to FW to set the motor speed beyond base speed, and Max Torque Per Amp support, intended to drive IPM motors. We'll...
  • Log 3 - 12th March

  • Lots of progress :) Design Design has been finalised, with changes only to be made for tweaks in manufacture. The plan is to produce 3 separate devices that can all be assembled on the same rig. i.e. they are all modular devices. Device #1: AC Induction...
  • Dispersive Rotating Prism Spectrometer

  • The aim of this blog is to create prior art for a dispersive rotating prism spectrometer. My inspiration here comes from Jerry de Vos. Jerry de Vos is working on a plastic scanner. This project aims to develop a simple handheld scanner that can detect...
  • Teardown & Planning

  • Lets start off with the unsuspecting subject that will serve as the organ donor for this Franken pump project. The Pacific Hydrostar 3/4HP clear water pump I picked this bad boy up from Harbor Freight about 2 years ago for a parts washing station. If...
  • Released Source Code Today

  • Ok, the first version of the source code for TrillSat was released a couple of hours ago under GPL 3.0, and a copy of the source tarball was uploaded to the Files section of this project.  It includes the most important files, the OpenSCAD program...
  • Build hope?

  • The twenty 2018 Hackaday Prize Power Harvesting Challenge winners were announced today, and again I did not win a single thing, not even a non-monetary achievement.  This is the 3rd loss for TrillSat in a row, and I see a trend here, unfortunately....
  • [E1][T] Force sensor instead of magnets?!

  • Me yesterday: Me on the train back to my university: m1 (me 1): m1: Rememeber how the light ring of the SmartKnob View had an animation based on how hard you pressed the knob? m2: Yeah. m1: And why didn't we go with the first pre-Tetent idea? m2:...