
3394 Results for "fix"

  • Bug-fix release

  • This bug-fix release fixes an issue with f** that was causing the inappropriate raising of x-domain-error when the exponent was 0,0 (when this should only happen with 0,0 0,0 f**). Also, it adds net::wait-ready-endpoint to zeptoIP for doing a blocking...
  • Bug-fix release

  • This bug-fix release resolves an issue with the task monitor where if it did not have enough dictionary space alloted to it it would cause a crash. Now a greater amount of dictionary space (2048 bytes rather than 320 bytes) are allotted, and it detects...
  • Bug-fix release

  • This bug-fix release fixes a regression where the console could not be used (i.e. it would cause a hard fault) from the first task started on core 1 of the RP2040 unless console I/O was specifically redirected first, due to a lack of initialization of...
  • Bug-fix release

  • This bug-fix release fixes an issue with non-power cycle hardware resets on RP2040 boards which support them (such as the SeeedStudio XIAO RP2040 and the Cytron Maker Nano RP2040) which had previously been causing flash to be erroneously reported as...
  • Circuit bug fix

  • After 6 years of use, the SP3485 chip finally died, probably disagreeing with mistakenly pulling-up B(-) and pulling-down A(+) outputs. I'm hoping the new chip will be more happy with the updated circuit where A is pulled-up (with R4), and B is pulled-down...
  • Fix the creality firmware

  • Extend a cable & reset button for firmware flashing to the outside of the enclosure. Make it show ETA based on percent completed.  Show the filename currently being printed. Make "stop printer" the last item on the menu instead of the 2nd to...
  • Fix a LipSync

  • Next week, we’ll meet our old friends at Vancouver Hack Space (VHS) to repair and complete a bunch of LipSyncs. Not every device is finished at our buildathons, and we periodically organize fix-it nights so community members can help us complete...
  • Obtained a location fix

  • I shut down the RPi, moved the kit to a window sill and powered it up again. This time running cgps elicited a bunch of messages showing it was getting fixes from the satellites. The readings swung wildly until they stabilised. I've blanked the lat/long...
  • Fix top enclosure

  • I updated the top enclosure design.The hole for the USB port was a bit too much to the left, and it's now centered.The side walls were a bit too thin (0.90mm). I initially made them that thin to use some snap-fit. But it wasn't necessary in the end:...
  • Fail. Fix later. :-(

  • I received the boards from the board house, they look ace... But.. The footprint I used for the SOIC28 (the PIC) is out by 1mm. :-( Usually, when I do my own boards, I have a process to check all this; I rushed it and skipped a few checks on my checklist,...
  • V2 Assembly and fix

  • Getting boards is always a fun event. There's just some thing about holding a board that you designed. Being impatient I got started on it immediately.My method of SMD work is sticking the parts down with solder paste (I have a syringe of it I use) and...
  • URL Fix / Enhancements

  • I added this line to the document ready to prevent previous messages from getting sent from the phone's browser when the site is reopened.  This removes the get parameters from the URL. window.history.replaceState(null, null, window.location.pathname); My...
  • Make the fix

  • That part is hot and wet. So I thought just glue will not work. So I thought glue with a shelf around could work. The shelf takes the pressure and the glue seal the liquid.  I used ABS with the finest resolution (0,2mm)  my printer makes and...
  • Serial Problem Fix (Workaround)

  • The problem with the Serial Port has now been fixed, or at least, I have a workaround. Bill Rowe suggested I activate the /BUSRQ line to force the Z80's Address and Data lines into High Impedance. After soldering the switch line on to the /INT pin, directly...