
105 Results for "ros"

  • The first stand

  • A big milestone for me! I started this project about 7 months ago and today is the first time #k3lso stands on his own 4 feets!This project has included many late nights and literally all my own free time (and will continue to do so) :-)The consumption...
  • Working SLAM Mapping For Serpent Robot

  • I've managed to bring up mapping & visual odometry in my ROS simulation of the love elemental. From the get-go, I knew I wanted to use a kinect/realsense sensor for perception, because having a color + depth map seems like a rich space for doing...
  • ROS2 Headaches.

  • First step to get anywhere is to get ROS2 and the camera working. Which ideally would have been a matter of some apt-gets. Except there were a few complications: ROS2 is native to Ubuntu LTS.Latest LTS is Ubuntu 22.04.Camera Module 3 is a new module...
  • IMU processing (part 2)

  • Introduction As detailed in IMU Processing - part 1, the calibration method for accelerometers was not sufficient to guarantee a good precision. Indeed error reached up to 0.15g error on some axis, that corresponds to 8.5deg. Spherical model calibration...
  • Refactoring Aruna lib

  • Before adding new features and drivers to the Aruna library I thought it would be wise to do some household and refactor the library a bit. The current architecture consist of 2 layers. One for logic and the other for hardware interfacing. Old architecture....
  • On his feets

  • A big milestone for me! I started this project about 7 months ago and today is the first time #k3lso stands on his own feets!The consumption is 1A @36v for stand.More to come later on!the specs:Acuator peak torque: 54NmRobot target weight:...
  • Simulation in Gazebo

  • Well designing the robot is all very well, but can it walk?  I decided to build a robot simulation using Gazebo,   It would have been good to do this earlier in the project as it may have helped with some of the...
  • ANRC #3

  • Wrote a ROS package in python for processing the image from the Logitech C170 (Code available on GitHub). In most example codes available online it's easier to detect the lane by filtering out the lane colors(white, yellow), here i did it in a narrow...
  • 6 Wheels rolling!

  • I got all the motor pods connected and running tonight. There's a bit of precession going on with a couple of them and I'm not exactly sure what's going on with that. It  could be a wheel or axle that is not mounted entirely flush against a hub...
  • V0.12-Motor Update

  • The previous version of scrappy had a computer, and stepper motors, but no interface between them. In fact, there wasn't even proper coupling between the wheels and the stepper motor (whoops). Both of these have been added with an Teensy 4.1 added to...
  • Necro-project!

  • After 4 years I've finally resurrected my RoverPi project. The last project was abandoned for a couple of reasons namely that Raspberry Pi was still developing its HAT standard and I had initially tried designing a board to fit the needs of many...