
2798 Results for "3D printing"

  • (edited) Transcript of our first chat!

  • Jasmine Brackett says:38 minutes agoIf you don't know me, I'm Jasmine. I used to be the Community manager, but for the last 9 months I've had the pleasure of working on Tindie.Yay Tindie!Dirty Engineer says:40 minutes agoSo who here has actually...
  • Eagle: One Year Later - Transcript 1

  • Sophi Kravitz : Matt B, please tell us who you are and why you are here Sophi Kravitz : :D technolomaniac : ok...hi. Im matt - aka technolomaniac...I run the EAGLE, Tinkercad and part of the Fusion 360 teams at Autodesk. technolomaniac : before that,...
  • PCB Motors Hack Chat Transcript

  • Stephen Tranovich12:05 PMOkay, let's get this chat started! Arsenijs12:05 PMYay! Stephen Tranovich12:05 PMA big welcome to @Carl Bugeja for joining us on the chat today to talk about their PCB Motor designs! Carl Bugeja12:05 PMThanks for having me Stephen...
  • Air Hacking Hack Chat Transcript

  • Stephen Tranovich12:05 PMSpeaking of which, let's get this Hack Chat started! A BIG welcome to @Amitabh Shrivastava for joining us on today's chat. Why don't you start us off by telling us a little about yourself? Boian Mitov12:05 PMWelcome @Amitabh...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Brian Lough11:59 AMHey @Taiwo Dan Maloney12:00 PMHey everyone, looks like it's time to get started. Let's welcome Brian Lough to the Hack Chat! Brian, it looks like you're pretty well-known to the regulars, but maybe you can give everyone a little about...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Jan12:14 PM@technolomaniac do you personally support the subscription model Autodesk forced onto Eagle? morgan12:14 PM@technolomaniac being that F360 is said to run In The Clown, is there any future for a Linux client? stansanders12:14 PMi've taken...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3

  • technolomaniac12:22 PM@Prof. Fartsparkle not yet. this is in the cards. personally I would throw the whole renderer out and start again and well...I make that call. so yes, we will do that. Prof. Fartsparkle12:23 PMoh that makes me very happy technolomaniac12:23...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Mihir Shah11:59 AMHi everyone, here is the link to the livestream: I'll be answering questions live on there ( and typing up summary's here... at the same time lol) We'll be going live in about a minute here OK all, let's get started. Let's welcome Mihir...