
88 Results for "robot"

  • Real-time Motion Planning with CollisionIK

  • Motivation One major barrier to a fluid creative workflow with robots is the often stilted sense-think-act loop. Every time through the loop the robot first gathers information about the environment, crunches the numbers to generate a plan, and then...
  • Physics Model

  • To predict how our robot may perform in the real environment, a physics model would be useful to understand the forces at play. The calculated results serve as data points that can be verified experimentally to see how they differ in the real world....
  • Initial Work

  • I uploaded a video where I ramble about my intentions of building this robot.I mention some of the parts I plan to use with the robot and give a general overview of my plans.Here are a couple of photos of the two tread sections I've built so far.The...
  • Efficient Sonar Gridmaps in Python

  • One foundational challenge for a lot of hobby robotics is navigation and localisation. We can access cheap sensors in the form of IR and sonar, which give distances to solid objects. We can use IMU's and wheel encoders to estimate distance and direction...
  • Absolute encoder shootout

  • The winner for this specific application (measuring angles on robot arms for inverse kinematics) is the 6mm hollow D-shaft potentiometer from P3 America: Despite the...
  • Proximity sensors working!

  • So some progress, parts showed up and I have them working on the bread board. I got the TCA9548A and VCNL4010 break out boards from Adafuit. These will be the basis of the robot sensor system.You can see the 3 VCNL4010's on the right there. Currently,...
  • IMU processing (part 1)

  • Hardware integration IMU used for this project is the MiniIMU-v2 from Pololu, it incorporates several chips that offers 9 degrees of freedom, allowing a complete attitude estimation. magnetometers, LSM303, 30Hz Output Data Rate, 1.3gauss scaleaccelerometers,...
  • Motor Sizing & Wheel Selection

  • Hello All!In this post I am hoping to showcase some of the design work that goes into motor selection. If you are curious about this process, I highly recommend the free resources available at the California Mechatronics Center . This company...
  • Pixelium Illuminatus

  • And other arcane mutterings. After meeting a dead-end in AIMos with the image recognition based on pixels, I realised I'd have to find a way to either make them triangular to use Euclidean math on them, or, find a way to make Euclidean math work on polygons...