
333 Results for "3D printing"

  • 3D modeling the scope

  • *Update from Apollo on the 3D design and printing* I have designed the prototype base and pi mounts in Auto desk fusion 360. The picture below shows the part in Fusion 360 and in the slicer program Cura (3D Slicing Program). I have already printed a...
  • 3D Printed Sails

  • Code for the big boat has been taking up most of my time, but in the mean time I've still been working on the sails for the little boat. The original sail design didn't work -- I couldn't get enough weight on to balance it against the overly long lever...
  • 3D Printing LED Diffusers

  • If you look at the photos of the face plate there are two holes for LEDs. One for power and one for AM indication. A while back I had made a pretty cool RGB LED color cube, using WS2812B LEDS. I had printed out a box on my homemade deltabot using clear...
  • Materials for big 3D prints

  • When I started this project long ago, I naively thought that I'd just collect together the many extruders I'd seen, including plastic filament, clay, concrete, and chocolate. Well, what works for 100mm to 200mm cubes (or thereabouts) is not always appropriate...
  • Pannels 3d Prints to test for fit

  • Looks like the 3d Test panels fit: So after waiting about 2 weeks to get the panels, they came and we have basically a working case!  I won't bore you with the back panel hack job I did getting the switch and the video port mounted, it's basically...
  • 3D Printed Case

  • Design Considerations: The starting point of this project was the case, I wanted something that a bottle of FormLabs resin could sit on (about 100mm diameter), or be dropped into when not in use to act as both storage and measurement system. It had...
  • Design Goals

  • New Printer Design Goals Summary When designing my new 3D printer there were a few key goals I had in mind. Some of these goals were different to my last printer and some were just carried through from my last design. My new goals were to make the printer...
  • Parametric Rotor

  • One of our goals for this project is to make it as parametric as possible, so we can easily adjust the specs as we experiment to get the power output we need. So, I designed a Parametric Rotor in Fusion 360.  It has several parameters: Number of...
  • Purely printed bezels

  • I spent some time playing around with 3D printed bezels again - this time, printing the diffuser as well as the bezel.  You can see the results: no bezel/diffuser (top), white bezel/white diffuser (middle), black bezel/white diffuser (bottom). ...
  • Feasibility test: Mini-ITX enclosure

  • I had the idea for a custom PC chassis before, but I didn't have the tools to fabricate one until I got a 3D printer. The first order of business is to verify that my 3D printer can hit the necessary dimension requirements to print a functional PC chassis.I...
  • [A] Mystery CNC Price Hike

  • I can only imagine that part of it is because I haven't provided a tech drawing (I wanted to see the price without threads) and part of it because of the filleted internal grooves, but even in the ideal case it'll probably still be >$20 more than the...
  • Filter Madness

  • I've been playing with filtering the display for contrast and filling the space between pixels.Here's how the display looks without any covering, with a 0.15" thick bezel, and with the bezel plus a 116 Tough White Diffusion and 26 Light Red filter. Out...
  • Housing and Assembly

  • Now that all the physical components are available it is time to finish the housing and assemble the full clock. First I will talk about the housing design, and the process of getting it printed. After that I will show the final product when it is all...