
68 Results for "esp8266"

  • Quick update

  • Some of those who have been following this project may have noticed that there haven't been updates for a while. There are two reasons for this.The first reason being that this was a project that was being worked on during 'spare' time at the office...
  • Build hope?

  • The twenty 2018 Hackaday Prize Power Harvesting Challenge winners were announced today, and again I did not win a single thing, not even a non-monetary achievement.  This is the 3rd loss for TrillSat in a row, and I see a trend here, unfortunately....
  • MQTT Setup

  • -setup raspberry pi with Jessie-installed mosquitto on raspberry piwget sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key rm mosquitto-repo.gpg.key cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ sudo wget
  • When Standards Aren't

  • As it turns out, certain control characters do in fact cause issues. I think the reason it worked yesterday was because the string was parsed incorrectly in the ESP8266 and it was causing some unknowns. I did test the following:AT+CWSAP="test\x0a\x0d\x2c\x22","",1,0AT+CWSAP="testAnd...
  • Embedded Toolchains

  • We are using two main embedded controllers. The ESP8266 and the STM32F446RET6. The ESP is going to do most of the 'heavy lifting' for this project. It will need to do over the air updates and manage the data coming in from the STM as well as upload this...
  • Introducing the BMaC project

  • Since embarking on the 'WiFi AC controller' project quite a few months ago now, I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about building (climate) control, and seen the scope of what had seemed like a simple project at first balloon in size as a...
  • Diving into the circuit

  • Before presenting the boards, I will set down my goals for this project. Non-goals are to make the thermometer work again, or even to reuse the logic chips, the equipment is long obsolete. Thus my interloper UART board previously pictured has been removed...
  • Traffic Light Network

  • The idea Surrey EARS run an Arduino course every year. When designing this course we needed some sort of extravagant project at the end to put everyone's newly learnt skills to the test. The idea we settled on is a traffic light network. Each student...
  • (edited) Transcript for ESP32 HackChat

  • Jørgen Kragh Jakobsen says:16 minutes agoHi spriteSprite_tm says:14 minutes agoSo, I'm kinda new to these kind of chats... what's the idea, I just start answering the things in the spreadsheets? Or are you going to pelt me with questions live? I'm...

  • Hardware hackers love their test equipment. There are entire forums dedicated to talking about multimeters, oscilloscopes, signal generators, and other common bench tools. At times it seems we spend more time talking about our tools than actually using...
  • Getting it to work

  • After the PCB was mostly assembled, the next step was programming the EFM32. The starter kit board can be configured in software to program an external device. There is also a pin header which includes the needed pins (
  • Implementation

  • On the computer Library : A C++ library has been created to handle ESPNOW packets with Linux. You can find it here : ESPNOW_lib. The code also contains a main() that send back every ESPNOW packet received (it acts like an echo).If you want to use this...